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Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which one?

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Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which one?
Post by Ensign Re-read   » Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:25 pm

Ensign Re-read

Posts: 763
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:24 pm

Dear fellow DW fans:

Yes, yes, I know… I could and should be passing along this request for a recommendation via a web site that specializes in computer hardware. But, I just don't want to have to keep track of another UN & PW. Plus, a lot of you have perfectly good advice to offer, so why not use said opinions?

First, some background data:
We own two printers and one dead print server; the basement and first floor of the house is extensively wired with Ethernet (but not the second floor).

Our newer (color inkjet) printer is an HP OfficeJet Pro 8500A Plus.

It's a bit on the large size as far as a footprint is concerned. The sheet feeder no longer works. I can't blame HP for that. I suspect it has something to do with my wife placing potted plants on top of it. (Sound effect of "Lurch" groaning.)

Because of the broken sheet-feeder, we now essentially have no ability to fax anything longer than ONE page.

It has two more glitches:
* While it can do Wired (Ethernet) communications, or Wireless (Wi-Fi), it can NOT do both. And…
* It does NOT support Android phones. {Note that we don't (yet) have an iOS device; this can change any day now.}

Our oldest (B&W laser) printer is an HP LaserJet 1220 (probably actually a 1220SE).

It's still wobbling along; it was likely purchased some time after 2003.
Total pages printed is only 2734; that seems low.
Total pages jammed in printer is 8; that seems low.
It does have the optional sheet feeder that we continue to use as a single-sheet-at-a-time photocopier. (Once upon a time we could use as an optical scanner, but that software issue has long been unsolved.)
It also has the 64MB RAM DIMM.
As far as reliability is concerned, it's OK.
Once in a while it mis-feeds or jams if the paper try is not full enough. My wife used to fill it with paper that had already been printed on one side, I THINK I've stopped that habit of hers. When the toner compartment is opened up, there is some obvious signs of previous toner leaks on the left AND right sides.

One glaring flaw with this purchase is that we bought it in the day when families didn't typically have more than one computer, nor smart phone, nor mixed Wintel/Macintosh households. We now have all of that and more.
As a result, we did not get a printer with built in network support (Ethernet or wireless).

As a result, we also purchased a D-Link DP-301U Print Server.
(Above link does not show the correct image.)

It had ZERO moving parts, and yet of all things to fail, it would seem this device, or to be exact, its power supply, has died.
(Zero volts DC measured with the multi-meter.)

=== === ===

Now we have two working printers. But, with no print server we have no ability to print from Android Phones, no ability to Network-print to the Cheaper (by-the-page) B&W printer, and no ability to fax more than one page at a time.

So, where is the smart place to place our dollars?

* Should we buy another print-server?
* If yes, which one?
* What about another Laser Printer (or LaserJet) that's wired AND wireless capable with iOS, Android, Mac and PC?
* If yes, which one?

Opinions please! Do share!!!

Note that I do have a tend to shop at "brick-and-mortar" stores.
This means is my preferred place to shop, and less so at Best Buy. That's not an absolute, just a statement of my own preferences.


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Re: Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which o
Post by Joat42   » Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:32 am


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Location: Sweden

Giving specific recommendations is a bit difficult since I don't know how your network is set up and configured. The information below is generic in nature because of this.

Any computer (with a modern OS) plugged into a printer can be used as a print-server by sharing said printer on the network. There are of course some caveats depending on which OS's you are using as server and clients.

Most printers that have WiFi AND ethernet only support using one of them at a time since the network-configuration makes you select either one. Regarding wireless access to printers that are hooked up on ethernet, if you have a wireless hub you should be able to access the printers through that. Ie:
Code: Select all

 |     \ /  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ /
 | +----------+   +----------+
 +-| WiFi Hub |   | Computer |
   +----------+   +----------+
         |              |
ethernet |              |USB
    +---------+    +---------+
    | Printer |    | Printer |
    +---------+    +---------+

The above assumes your WiFi Hub also functions as a DHCP server for your internal network (both wired and wireless) or that you have a separate hub/switch that acts as that. On the computer above you can elect to share the local printer on the network with the caveat that it is only available when that computer is powered on.

Failure of sheet-feeders are usually due to the rubber on the rollers need to be cleaned. This can be accomplished by using a lint free cloth and water (see

It is normal that you get some toner leakage in a printer after use, it can be cleaned up by wet-wipes (for computer use, ie. residue free), a damp lint-free cloth or as a last resort a vacuum-cleaner.

TAKE NOTICE: Using a vacuum-cleaner means that you need to attach a ground wire to the inlet of the hose otherwise the toner will build up quite a static charge that can damage the electronics in the printer. ALSO, in some instances the size of the toner-particles are so small they will pass through the pores in the bag which means they will deposit inside the vacuum-cleaners motor which can do bad things.

Printing from an Android or iOS devices has always been an interesting proposition, I have no clear answer for that.

Regarding your dead power-supply, there are generic ones you can use instead. The rating should be DC 5V and at least 2.5A for your device, make sure to check the polarity of the plug (generic ones usually have reversible polarity).

If you decide to buy a new printer, research what it costs to replace the toner/ink-cartridges since some printer models are sold very cheaply but the refills are extremely expensive instead.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which o
Post by Spacekiwi   » Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:34 pm


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If Joats suggestion doesnt work, Maybe try an hp like their officejet range. we have had ours about 3 years now, and the inkjet still works pretty well, and prints from both osx and windows, as well as having an app to allow printing from ios and android to it. we haveit hooked up to our modem/router via ethernet, but it can print via ethernet, wifi, or usb. its reasonably small, and is a scanner and fax machine as well, as my mother works from home, so it was a full business class printer.

its not paranoia if its justified... :D
Re: Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which o
Post by Daryl   » Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:19 am

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We tend to go with Canon because they deliberately sell their printers cheaply so as to make a profit out of the ink. A MFC costs about $120 with the ink refill at $100, however you can get just as good a third party ink set for $25 on the internet. Gave up on Brothers as they last about 5 minutes past the guarantee.
Re: Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which o
Post by aairfccha   » Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:46 pm


Posts: 207
Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:03 pm

Can't you simply replace the print server's power supply?
Re: Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which o
Post by Ensign Re-read   » Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:16 pm

Ensign Re-read

Posts: 763
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:24 pm

aairfccha wrote:Can't you simply replace the print server's power supply?

As I recall the last time it flaked out (but not permanently that time), I did not find a power supply in the collection I've started down in the shop. Instead... (see next post)

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Re: Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which o
Post by Ensign Re-read   » Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:23 pm

Ensign Re-read

Posts: 763
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:24 pm


I've had PARTIAL success with connecting the "HMPS2U" from Hawking Technology up to the HP LaserJet 1220se.

* The kid's PC is working and
* The wife's kitchen Mac Mini is working.

* The wife's MacBook (laptop) is NOT working (and says so).
[Note that this is the most important one TO get working... of course.]
* The Dell Mini 10 behaves like it should work, but does not produce any results.

(No work done yet on my own Mac Mini. Also no tests yet re wireless printing from Android phones.)


The Celestia "addon" for the Planet Safehold as well as the Kau-zhi and Manticore A-B star systems, are at URL:
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Re: Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which o
Post by Ensign Re-read   » Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:01 pm

Ensign Re-read

Posts: 763
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:24 pm

Ensign Re-read wrote:UPDATE:

I've had PARTIAL success with connecting the "HMPS2U" from Hawking Technology up to the HP LaserJet 1220se.

== CLIP==

...Also no tests yet re wireless printing from Android phones.

I tried various combinations of two or three HP Apps from the Android store, but none worked.

Then I tried the one from Hammermill Paper, and BOOM, that one's built in test page worked right the first time. An actual test with my own Doc will have to wait.

Still no luck on the wife's MacBook; 'tiz a mystery.


The Celestia "addon" for the Planet Safehold as well as the Kau-zhi and Manticore A-B star systems, are at URL:
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Re: Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which o
Post by Imaginos1892   » Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:01 pm

Rear Admiral

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You could always use a Raspberry Pi single-board computer. 35 bucks plus a wall-wart and Ethernet cable; you can't get much cheaper than that.
Re: Advice re new printer vrs. new print-server, and which o
Post by Joat42   » Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:33 am


Posts: 2163
Joined: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:01 am
Location: Sweden

Imaginos1892 wrote:You could always use a Raspberry Pi single-board computer. 35 bucks plus a wall-wart and Ethernet cable; you can't get much cheaper than that.

Raspberry's has quite a high tinker-factor, it's not really plug'n'play but if you like tinkering it's a great solution for a lot of applications.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.

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