no. that’s fact, not even a trained psychologist knows everything about himself, no-one does. The presumption is on your part that somehow you do.The E wrote:Also, claiming that I can't know how I arrived at my personal philosophies, that I am incapable of identifying the philosophical tracks that led to it, that's a bit (presumptuous), isn't it?
If there isn’t then there is no hope and no reason. No matter what we do or what anyone else does, we will all be dead and this planet destroyed on the blink of an eye, so there is no use in anythingThe E wrote:How do you know that the universe was created through an act of a conscious entity?
not by YOU! He is held to a higher standard by himself. He doesn’t need YOU to tell him how to behave.The E wrote:So by virtue of him being more powerful, he is no longer to be held to the same sort of morality that you or I are?
No, men who for their own purpose, usually greed, have lied and claimed different. The truth never was.The E wrote:Funny, then, that this supposed omniscient morality has been redefined over and over again over the years. Turns out, god's really bad at enforcing his views.
”as far as your concerned” doesn’t make it so for the rest of the universe (& yes that holds both ways – but I’m not saying – all that matters is what God said) if you can’t figure that out that’s your problem.The E wrote:Except that, as far as I am concerned, god never said anything by virtue of total existence failure. The rules you attribute to god were made by humans.
God require neither your belief or approval to exist.The E wrote:No, you believe there is one. Bit of a difference.
As far as other cultures, muslim terrorists, Aztec “priests” murdering people etc… the bible says “you will know them by their actions” these are not equal beliefs. Their actions show them to not be.
If this were the case and they got “distracted” then they aren’t omniscient and therefore not “Gods” just (as E says) “more powerful creatures” and they can go $%&# it!Daryl wrote:Chilling thought, maybe one of the old vengeful gods is the real deal, has been distracted, and is about to send us all to the fire for lack of sacrifices?
Nobody said anything about you having to bow down. Love RAH, great writer, favorite before DW came out. As for “the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of all the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of His creatures, can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if He does not receive this flattery…” this is not so. For those who actually read. God doesn’t want “saccharine adoration” of His creatures, or insincere “flattery”. Do you honestly think that someone can lie, cheat, steal and murder for 50 years. Then have some priest called to his death bed. Say “I’m sorry ” and go to heaven. No, you can sin and get to heaven, but it requires true remorse, truly being sorry and truly loving God to do so. The bible itself states that “if you are lukewarm I will spew you out”. God only wants true love from his creations. The analogy of the dog or cat was a little off. It’s more like, if your toenail is ingrown, would you just say “oh well, it can do what it wants”, no you would have it cut out and thrown away. If your arm were gangrenous would you say “well it has the right to do what it wants?” no you’d have a doctor cut it off. Yet you would be sad and feel the loss of your arm. You would do everything you could beforehand to save it. Wouldn’t you. God is doing the same thing with us. We are all part of God “there is nothing that is not of God” we are all part of him and, as your hand should obey you, you should obey him. That is what the bible says. God doesn’t go around smiting people anymore because we are more sophisticated than in Moses or Noah’s time and he wants us to find him on our own. That's why I have no photograph or voicmail recording for you.The E wrote:...and that we must bow down before him?