JeffEngel wrote:Theemile wrote:The best reason RFC gave for using a CLAC, was with the Wing being on a CLAC, not spread on several freighters with the LACS stored in airless holds, maintenance could continue on the birds and the crews could use the LACS as simulators to continue to train while in transit, something which would be useful for green units.
Ahh, thanks. So the CLAC gets used so that, in effect, the preparation time for the LAC's and crews can be spread out into the transit time far more effectively than aboard freighters.
If they yet had the LAC modules for freighters - which would plausibly offer similar simulator and maintenance conditions - freighters with those modules would serve this purpose much more economically. But here, with a CLAC to spare and without one of those "auxiliary CLAC's" ready, it's better than the existing alternatives. I take it none of the Trojan q-ships remain for this sort of thing? They'd make a dandy platform for it.
Another point that the CLAC's provide -- like a modern CV / CVN with multiple squadrons, one squadron (VF114 just to pull a random name) can be the ready/alert squadron, while their sister squadron (VF213, again a random pick) gets routine maintenance done, then swap alert status)
-- Stewart
CVN-65 Westpac's 82-83 / 89-90