WLBjork wrote:SharkHunter wrote:Regarding the "off bore" launching capability of the Rolands, I've sort of assumed that it accomplished two things: longer missiles (the Mark 16's) in a thinner ship, and as stated, the ability to fire a missile out of the front and back of the ship while maneuvering. The "firing in two different directions bit" in this thread got me thinking though, "out the front can pretty much go straight ahead, out the back has to use the 120 degrees to turn and then go straight ahead", and the launch times are synchronized to make it all line up. Alternatively I could see the DD slewing "in position" with "no accel briefly" and launching in a position that would resemble the horns of a bull.
Then the "stacked salvo" thought kicked in and says "ny-ope..." because even with say a 15-30 timing difference, that's still a huge distance at "battle speed and accel". Because we're told that the missiles acceleration is preset and doesn't vary after it's lit off, about the only solution I've come up with is that the "stack" missiles are timed to arrive on target nearly simultaneously (or at least within a single "countermeasure time period", vs. the same number of missiles in pods being precisely the same speed/accel because all of the missiles light off simultaneously, an easier task altogether.
Am I missing something?
Well, off-bore mostly seems to involve bring bows-on to the target (minimise target area), so the missiles don't have to travel any further.
Not sure if broadside off-bore (180 degree) is possible, but if it is, "all" that is required is to step down the acceleration of the direct missiles to enable the off-bore missiles to catch up.
From SoS
Hexapuma and Aegis were the only ships in Terekhov's riven Squadron with the off-bore capacity to fire both broadsides at a single target.