chrisd wrote:Keith_w wrote:I would very much like to know exactly how Imperial measure is related to the human body! I have neither 12 fingers nor 12 toes for counting on. Nor are fluid and solid ounces the same measure, and for that matter the United States doesn't even use imperial measure - a gallon in the US is only 5/6 of a gallon in the UK, and let us not speak of pecks, bushels or stones!
The Inch = the length of the thumb to the first joint
The Hand = The width of the palm
The Foot = Self explanatory
The Yard = from the extended finger tips to the nose
Add the Cubit = From the finger tips to the elbow
The Fathom = from the extended finger tips to the opposite finger tips.
Not very precise but they refer to YOU
As for the replacement of £-s-d. in the UK by decimal Currency, this was a con-trick and a contributory factor in the hyper inflation that we suffered at the time.
("Prices will not increase" - my 3d. bus fare went up overnight to 5p. (x4))
Ask any European what happened when the €uro was foisted on them by the Franco-German Mafia
Well - since all the pre euro currencies were already metric that last is totally irrelevant to the topic in hand.
As is the rant on decimalisation causing price rises

Indeed I might say with equal value/accuracy that one centimeter is the width of a thumb, and a meter is the distance from extended finger tip to nose. People have different length arms!!!