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Is RFC pulling a "V for Vendetta" moment on us? | |
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Posts: 68
There are too many similarities.
- V's looks - at least, his Guy Fawkes mask - look similar to how Merlin looks - V worked out of his hidden shelter, trying to bring down a dictatorial government through violent means; Merlin has Nimue's Cave and is trying to do the same to the COGA. - Both V and Merlin are stronger and faster than normal, and defeated a number of opponents at the same time in combat. - V considered himself as unfit to live in the new (post-dictatorial-government) world, since he thought himself a creature of violence (although he only attacked the government and was a good guy). Merlin is often troubled by violence he had to do. Nahrmahn managed once to pull Merlin out of the funk, but the story is far from over... - Eventually, V recruited a woman (Eve) to join him, not in any romantic way but as a sidekick. Merlin had Owl construct Nimue. - At the end, V allowed his enemies to kill him (after he basically accomplished what he wanted), leaving Eve to be the next V - a different kind of V, for times of peace and rebuilding. - Will we have a moment when Merlin dies in the final fight (maybe against what's under the temple, taking it out and getting killed in the process) leaving Nimue to be the next.. Charis' and Safehold's connection to the original times and society of the Terran Federation? |
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Re: Is RFC pulling a "V for Vendetta" moment on us? | |
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Posts: 68
BTW, for those interested in V for Vendetta, I recommend reading the original comic by Alan Moore, not the movie... the movie is not exactly bad, but the comic is several levels above.
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Re: Is RFC pulling a "V for Vendetta" moment on us? | |
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Posts: 176
One could as well as: Is RFC pulling a Batman on us? The similarities are striking ![]() Seriously, RFC is just running with the topoi of the genre. Myself, I find similarities to the original Arthurian cycle (as explained in this forum) more interesting and more convincing. Besides that, I'm just hoping RFC is happily pulling along whatever he likes to pull. |
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Re: Is RFC pulling a "V for Vendetta" moment on us? | |
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Posts: 468
That just what Alan Moore always says...at best!!! |
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Re: Is RFC pulling a "V for Vendetta" moment on us? | |
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Posts: 46
That movie was horrible horrible drek. |
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Re: Is RFC pulling a "V for Vendetta" moment on us? | |
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Posts: 24
Seriously doubt that. The similarities are pretty superficial. You list secret shelter, strong fighter, troubled by violence and female sidekick, something half of all the literal heroes in history can boast of. But if you strip it way down, V for Vendetta is about a lone wolf terrorist destroying the rulers of his country, Safehold on the other hand is about a teamplayer building a navy&army in order to replace enemy rulers whith his own. The reason for V's suicide is that he's afraid that he's unable to change and that he will hinder the rebuilding. Merlin is a teamplayer from the start and the only thing that will change for him after the Church is defeated is what exactly he helps to build. After Charis got control of the seas, he already changed his focus from navy to army. I dont foresee any problems for him changing from army back to navy (vacuum instead of wet this time - remember, the Gbabba(?) were always the real enemy, Clinton is merely a speedbump). |
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