Theemile wrote:No, the problem isn't the FTL handofff between ships - Apollo has that covered in it's playbox. We've never seen the RF links move between control platforms. If a ship launches a missile - the ship controls the missile. For an ACM pod to work, the control links have to jump from the launching ship to the Pod launched ACM's control, or be configured prior to the launch to communicate with the ACM, and never have a wedge block the signals. Not saying it cannot happen, but it is different firing mode than we have ever seen and may not be possible.
Remember, the Apollo attack missiles are MODIFIED Mk-23s with a different firecontrol comm system to cross talk via "short" range with the ACM - forming more of a small mesh wifi (or Lifi) network, than the normal long distance 1 way control parameter update. Since they are not launching in formation with the pod ACM, would it work? Probably, but sadly, that's a David decision.
Havenite ships can hand off control of attack missiles:
Italics are the author's, boldface is my emphasis.War of Honor, Chapter 58 wrote:Despite the incredible range, despite the MDMs' long flight times, the Manties' deadly concentration on his SD(P)s had crippled his offensive firepower in the first two salvos . . . and, for all intents and purposes, destroyed it completely in less than thirty minutes. Only one of his long-range missile ships, Battle Squadron 21's flagship, RHNS Hero, remained in action. Two of her sisters had been totally destroyed, four had been abandoned, with scuttling charges set, three more would have to be abandoned very quickly if their nodes could not be brought back online, and if she herself was still in action, she was also heavily damaged. Her fire control had been gutted by the same missile salvo which had destroyed her flag bridge . . . and killed Rear Admiral Zrubek instantly. She was effectively blind and deaf, yet she continued to roll pods at her maximum possible rate, turning them over to her older sisters' fire control. It let Second Fleet continue to spit defiance at the Manties, but Hero was the only ship he had which could still deploy pods at all, and she had only a finite number of them.