SharkHunter wrote: In reverse order:
...the 30 in a clump (or 42 if it were controlling 3 pods worth of Mark-16's. My reading is that the missiles essentially maintain "formation" covering the ACM until just short of attack range.
Likely they'd disperse before coming into even extended CM range, so as to get the maximum number of angles to hit the ship with. If an ACM could guide 'three clumps' then (by example) you could have 8 ACMs targeting one op-force SD(p) but you'd gain an additional 40ish shipkillers in the process, and twice the number of Dazzler/Dragons teeth. (2 more missiles at 10 missiles per pod instead of 8 x 24 pods less ECM). The additional ECW/Pen aids force the op force CM fire into "hit what? mode twice as badly)
I'm afraid you are mistaken. The text is pretty clear that the attack missiles block the ACM from both counter-missiles and PDLC fire. That means they continue in close formation until just before they reach attack range. All the missiles are still fairly close together when they detonate; they are all firing at the same aspect of the target ship.
...Control channel wise: I think it has 8 because it was designed one missile per pod. If it were even an issue other than that, up until about 20 seconds short of an op-force, rotating links would accomplish that much, then the ECM says "disperse thusly". If a ship can do it, seems likely that an ACM should be able to pass on the commands equally well.
I'm not at all convinced that the ACM can do rotating links, but I'm willing to accept a design that can somehow manage that many missiles at a time. You still have the clumping problem, though.
...Finally yes, the ACM tube size would be pretty big. But your pods would gain 2 for 1, and in essence "space is space is space", by which I mean either you have 1000+ Apollo missiles in 1000 pods+, and lose 2000 attack missiles, or have a lesser count tube fired, and get those 2000 back, or maybe even more attack/ECM birds if the SD(p) were loaded with Mark-16G's for a specific battle. Plus the "synching with other pod-launched missiles from other ships, etc." makes your offensive power even more tightly controllable.
Keep in mind, this isn't a tube launch from an existing ship, it's a newer design than the Invictus, designed to take advantage of lessons learned up to now. Thoughts?
I wasn't worried about swapping two for one, and all that. That's somewhat irrelevant, since one could also design a pod with more missiles. The question was whether you can reasonably fit an ACM missile tube onto a broadside. That is an open question.