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Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....

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Re: Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....
Post by Mendicant   » Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:26 pm


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fallsfromtrees wrote:Just out of curiousity, how many weeks after the vaccination did they look. If you look long enough, virtually all of the children vaccinated will die, some of them taking 80-90 years to do so. And did they bother to count the number of children who were not vaccinated you died of the disease, within the lifespan of protection of the vaccination (something in excess of
10 years should be the range) - Of course not - that would blow their hypothesis.

Their minds are made up, don't try confusing them with facts.
Re: Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....
Post by biochem   » Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:22 am

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One of the big problems is anecdotal information. Death from vaccinations is one of the known side effects and children do die from them. The problem is that those cases are vanishingly rare and we know most of the risk factors: compromised immune systems, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, etc etc. Outside of those risk groups you run a better chance of winning this weeks $500 million powerball than dying from a vaccine. But the fear everything crowd will find those vanishingly rare cases and will portray them as far more common then they actually are. And they ignore the real risks that catching these diseases brings.

It's not just vaccines, the fear everything crowd does this constantly. Try to find a real life case of someone poisoning candy or putting razor blades in Halloween treats to give to trick or treaters, for example. But every Halloween parents are told to inspect the candy, take it to an emergency room for X-ray etc.
Re: Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....
Post by Mendicant   » Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:25 pm


Posts: 14
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biochem wrote:One of the big problems is anecdotal information. Death from vaccinations is one of the known side effects and children do die from them. The problem is that those cases are vanishingly rare and we know most of the risk factors: compromised immune systems, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, etc etc. Outside of those risk groups you run a better chance of winning this weeks $500 million powerball than dying from a vaccine. But the fear everything crowd will find those vanishingly rare cases and will portray them as far more common then they actually are. And they ignore the real risks that catching these diseases brings.

It's not just vaccines, the fear everything crowd does this constantly. Try to find a real life case of someone poisoning candy or putting razor blades in Halloween treats to give to trick or treaters, for example. But every Halloween parents are told to inspect the candy, take it to an emergency room for X-ray etc.

If I remember correctly, and I'm sure I'll be corrected if I don't, the stories of people poisoning Halloween candy/putting razor blades in apples were just that, stories. Then the fear-mongers ran with it as if it were a real thing and the media picked it up and reported on it without confirming if it was actually a danger or not. Fear sells newspapers.
Re: Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....
Post by Louis R   » Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:05 pm

Louis R
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according to Snopes ... sp?print=y, you don't. not quite. the incidence is hugely exaggerated, but it seems that it actually has happened and been documented. like Ms Mikkelson, i remember the great scare - but since i figured that pie was all that the Macintosh apples most people handed out were good for, i was the chief chopper-upper anyway.

kind of like the various vaccine scares: real incidents happen, and people end up convinced that it was just down the block, not half-way around the world, and since everyone knows that they're being covered up, if they heard about it the real numbers must be huge.

Mendicant wrote:
biochem wrote:One of the big problems is anecdotal information. Death from vaccinations is one of the known side effects and children do die from them. The problem is that those cases are vanishingly rare and we know most of the risk factors: compromised immune systems, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, etc etc. Outside of those risk groups you run a better chance of winning this weeks $500 million powerball than dying from a vaccine. But the fear everything crowd will find those vanishingly rare cases and will portray them as far more common then they actually are. And they ignore the real risks that catching these diseases brings.

It's not just vaccines, the fear everything crowd does this constantly. Try to find a real life case of someone poisoning candy or putting razor blades in Halloween treats to give to trick or treaters, for example. But every Halloween parents are told to inspect the candy, take it to an emergency room for X-ray etc.

If I remember correctly, and I'm sure I'll be corrected if I don't, the stories of people poisoning Halloween candy/putting razor blades in apples were just that, stories. Then the fear-mongers ran with it as if it were a real thing and the media picked it up and reported on it without confirming if it was actually a danger or not. Fear sells newspapers.
Re: Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....
Post by Mendicant   » Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:52 pm


Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:07 pm

Louis R wrote:according to Snopes ... sp?print=y, you don't. not quite. the incidence is hugely exaggerated, but it seems that it actually has happened and been documented. like Ms Mikkelson, i remember the great scare - but since i figured that pie was all that the Macintosh apples most people handed out were good for, i was the chief chopper-upper anyway.

kind of like the various vaccine scares: real incidents happen, and people end up convinced that it was just down the block, not half-way around the world, and since everyone knows that they're being covered up, if they heard about it the real numbers must be huge.

See? I knew I'd be corrected. Although from reading the Snopes article, it appears that most of the actual occurrences didn't happen until well after the stories had been around for years and almost of the reported cases were hoaxes. It was after 1982 (with the Tylenol poisonings) that actual cases became more prevalent. Copycats combined with a familiar bogeyman story.
Re: Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....
Post by Ensign Re-read   » Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:47 pm

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PeterZ wrote:
DrakBibliophile wrote:What's the Super Bowl? :twisted: :twisted:

Cheaterbowl! Not interested.

yea, I agree.

I understand that the Patriot's Head Coach was on Letterman the other night. I _COULD_ have stayed up late that night, but I intentionally did _NOT_.

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Re: Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....
Post by fallsfromtrees   » Fri Feb 13, 2015 1:04 am

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biochem wrote:One of the big problems is anecdotal information. Death from vaccinations is one of the known side effects and children do die from them. The problem is that those cases are vanishingly rare and we know most of the risk factors: compromised immune systems, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, etc etc. Outside of those risk groups you run a better chance of winning this weeks $500 million powerball than dying from a vaccine. But the fear everything crowd will find those vanishingly rare cases and will portray them as far more common then they actually are. And they ignore the real risks that catching these diseases brings.

It's not just vaccines, the fear everything crowd does this constantly. Try to find a real life case of someone poisoning candy or putting razor blades in Halloween treats to give to trick or treaters, for example. But every Halloween parents are told to inspect the candy, take it to an emergency room for X-ray etc.

Mendicant wrote:If I remember correctly, and I'm sure I'll be corrected if I don't, the stories of people poisoning Halloween candy/putting razor blades in apples were just that, stories. Then the fear-mongers ran with it as if it were a real thing and the media picked it up and reported on it without confirming if it was actually a danger or not. Fear sells newspapers.
Louis R wrote:according to Snopes ... sp?print=y, you don't. not quite. the incidence is hugely exaggerated, but it seems that it actually has happened and been documented. like Ms Mikkelson, i remember the great scare - but since i figured that pie was all that the Macintosh apples most people handed out were good for, i was the chief chopper-upper anyway.

kind of like the various vaccine scares: real incidents happen, and people end up convinced that it was just down the block, not half-way around the world, and since everyone knows that they're being covered up, if they heard about it the real numbers must be huge.

The question is: Did the documented incidents occur before the news reports of it happening, or after as copy cats incidents?

The only problem with quotes on the internet is that you can't authenticate them -- Abraham Lincoln
Re: Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....
Post by cthia   » Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:47 am

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biochem wrote:One of the big problems is anecdotal information. Death from vaccinations is one of the known side effects and children do die from them. The problem is that those cases are vanishingly rare and we know most of the risk factors: compromised immune systems, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, etc etc. Outside of those risk groups you run a better chance of winning this weeks $500 million powerball than dying from a vaccine. But the fear everything crowd will find those vanishingly rare cases and will portray them as far more common then they actually are. And they ignore the real risks that catching these diseases brings.

It's not just vaccines, the fear everything crowd does this constantly. Try to find a real life case of someone poisoning candy or putting razor blades in Halloween treats to give to trick or treaters, for example. But every Halloween parents are told to inspect the candy, take it to an emergency room for X-ray etc.

Mendicant wrote:If I remember correctly, and I'm sure I'll be corrected if I don't, the stories of people poisoning Halloween candy/putting razor blades in apples were just that, stories. Then the fear-mongers ran with it as if it were a real thing and the media picked it up and reported on it without confirming if it was actually a danger or not. Fear sells newspapers.
Louis R wrote:according to Snopes ... sp?print=y, you don't. not quite. the incidence is hugely exaggerated, but it seems that it actually has happened and been documented. like Ms Mikkelson, i remember the great scare - but since i figured that pie was all that the Macintosh apples most people handed out were good for, i was the chief chopper-upper anyway.

kind of like the various vaccine scares: real incidents happen, and people end up convinced that it was just down the block, not half-way around the world, and since everyone knows that they're being covered up, if they heard about it the real numbers must be huge.

fallsfromtrees wrote:The question is: Did the documented incidents occur before the news reports of it happening, or after as copy cats incidents?

The incidents actually happened guys. And those are just what you heard about.

Let me clue you in on it's origins. Racism. The practice became an epidemic in the 70's. Certain segments of the population didn't want black kids "trick-or-treating" in their neighborhoods. You don't even want to know what was placed into some kids bags, causing them to get seriously injured, die, shocked or cry.

My parents found out about the practice and used to spend a fortune on candy, giving a Halloween party, where kids would end up with tons of "safe" candy.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....
Post by fallsfromtrees   » Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:21 am

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cthia wrote:
fallsfromtrees wrote:The question is: Did the documented incidents occur before the news reports of it happening, or after as copy cats incidents?

The incidents actually happened guys. And those are just what you heard about.

Let me clue you in on it's origins. Racism. The practice became an epidemic in the 70's. Certain segments of the population didn't want black kids "trick-or-treating" in their neighborhoods. You don't even want to know what was placed into some kids bags, causing them to get seriously injured, die, shocked or cry.

My parents found out about the practice and used to spend a fortune on candy, giving a Halloween party, where kids would end up with tons of "safe" candy.

Wasn't arguing as to whether or not the incidents happened. That they did happen is established fact. The question was "Was the first documented incident before or after the widely published accounts?" I.e., did some demented moron think this one up on his own, or did he hear about it, say to himself "What a great idea" and copy cat it.

The only problem with quotes on the internet is that you can't authenticate them -- Abraham Lincoln
Re: Everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.....
Post by Highjohn   » Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:00 am


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cthia, citation please.

While I don't doubt that many people were murdered because of racism. What you are saying does not correlate with the facts available at this time. That is that tampering with Halloween candy in order to do physical harm was not(and is not) common and may not have been done until after it got media attention. That is totally different from "Those niggers and chinks shouldn't be coming around our house, lets put something special in their candy"

On Vaccination. The autism and deaths related to vaccination are usually entirely fictitious(some are true but irrelevant like the superbowl add mentioned previously). The autism claim may be the biggest pile of crap I have ever heard of, and there are a lot of stupid claims out there. But even if vaccines did cause some deaths and/or autism it would be irrelevant because an outbreak of say measles or polio would be far worse. Oh and yes polio is still out there. It was almost eradicated, but some Muslims in Nigeria and northern India got the idea that the vaccines had pork products in them or that the US was trying to poison them and stopped taking the vaccinations. Since then polio has 're-infected' many regions where it was wiped out. However current world wide cases of polio are at least two orders of magnitude less than several decades earlier. Thanks to vaccination.

Note: The 're-infected' regions experience rates of polio infection that are very small. So while there is a major concern that polio has reentered regions it was previously be wiped out in. There is no mass die off or crippling from it. Mostly thanks to continued vaccination in those areas. ... 1403880720

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