And why would you need to lift that much water out of a gravity well when you can mine it from other sources in space (Europa, asteroid belt etc) as soon you can establish the infrastructure for it?

Statement was that it didn´t matter taking it FROM EARTH. I even specifically mentioned that it was a different matter if it was taken from elsewhere.

Why would it cost 100x than filtering tap water since NTR's doesn't need potable water?
Riiiight, so you expect machinery, tubing and all to run ok with saltwater, or water with anything at all in it?

This is one of the reasons why steam engines fell out of use, because getting clean enough water to avoid clogging anything during operation was troublesome.
Why do you think it´s not advised to use tapwater in car engines?
And your reasoning that some people are cheapskates isn't relevant at all in this discussion.
Reality is not relevant? That´s news.