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Question about Beowulf tactics

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Re: Question about Beowulf tactics
Post by Weird Harold   » Sun Jan 25, 2015 4:22 pm

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n7axw wrote:I'm sure you are right about the Mycroft control centers being able to handle the pre-Apollo missiles. Still, the point about the limited availability of Apollo is worth making.


True, a point worth making and a critical point in defending Beowulf from Manticore, Haven, or the Andermani. Not so critical when defending against the SLN.
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Re: Question about Beowulf tactics
Post by n7axw   » Sun Jan 25, 2015 4:30 pm

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JeffEngel wrote:
As others have noted (teach me to sleep, interferes with forum participation...), it's not a projection of BF's size, it's an example of how large BF would be if the League could/wanted to arm itself as much as Beowulf (while nominally under the SLN's protection!) does arm itself. It's also one example of a powerful SDF. I don't take it as a representative example of a League member system's self-defense - an SDF IS after all a bit of a weird luxury in the League - and Mesa as a target does, as you say, represent a special circumstance for Beowulf that way. (Mesan Alignment membership represents a special circumstance for Renaissance Factor systems.)

Anyway - whether or not systems with Reserve Fleet concentrations and/or SLN shipyards in them have SDF's to get in the way is an open question, rather than a clear "no". On the other hand, chances are any of them are small. 36 SLN-standard SD's in some SDF in the target system, for example, would after Second Manticore quite reasonably stand down when asked politely rather than get between a GA raiding squadron out to destroy a mothball fleet or shipyard that's just in their star system rather than belonging to it.

So - your point ends up being reconstructed and SDF's in the systems with League targets may well be kept out of the fighting.

Something that the waller ratios bring up though - The League, as the League, is stupendously underarmed for its size. It can't afford much of a fleet (for its size), and it doesn't try to keep the capital ships all that modernized (in terms of effect, rather than chrome). It's been running, for its whole history, on the fact that it's just so huge that trivial armament, proportionately, gets the job done because it would be still a ton of bricks falling on anyone messing with it because its very thin (always, for its size) armament is still vastly larger than anyone else's and it can deploy that attritionally to bury whomever. And the sheer reputation for that leaves them not needing to do that - or any longer genuinely prepared to do so.

It's too late for the League, but in the years to come, there is tremendous room for the League's successor states to arm themselves before they feel the pinch. Consider the fleets that Manticore and Grayson fielded, as single star systems. Granted, Manticore has three habitable planets (even if Gryphon is only "habitable") and stupendous wealth, but still, it's got a smaller population among 2.Gryphon habitable worlds than many single Core Worlds and Grayson does what it does with a smallish population, only recent prolong, only recently modern industry and education, and having a hard time getting around to fully employing 3/4's of its adults.

Hi JeffEngel,

Remember that in the case of both Manticore and Grayson, there were clear threats to their survival. Manticore, or at least King Roger understood the threat from the People's Republic and was able to initiate a naval buildup to counter it. In Grayson's case, the repeated threat of conquest by first Masada and then Haven provided the incentive to support a buildup.

In both cases Samuel Johnson's dictum about how the prospect of being hanged concentrates the mind summarizes the situation nicely.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Question about Beowulf tactics
Post by JeffEngel   » Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:48 pm


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n7axw wrote:
JeffEngel wrote:Something that the waller ratios bring up though - The League, as the League, is stupendously underarmed for its size. It can't afford much of a fleet (for its size), and it doesn't try to keep the capital ships all that modernized (in terms of effect, rather than chrome). It's been running, for its whole history, on the fact that it's just so huge that trivial armament, proportionately, gets the job done because it would be still a ton of bricks falling on anyone messing with it because its very thin (always, for its size) armament is still vastly larger than anyone else's and it can deploy that attritionally to bury whomever. And the sheer reputation for that leaves them not needing to do that - or any longer genuinely prepared to do so.

It's too late for the League, but in the years to come, there is tremendous room for the League's successor states to arm themselves before they feel the pinch. Consider the fleets that Manticore and Grayson fielded, as single star systems. Granted, Manticore has three habitable planets (even if Gryphon is only "habitable") and stupendous wealth, but still, it's got a smaller population among 2.Gryphon habitable worlds than many single Core Worlds and Grayson does what it does with a smallish population, only recent prolong, only recently modern industry and education, and having a hard time getting around to fully employing 3/4's of its adults.

Hi JeffEngel,

Remember that in the case of both Manticore and Grayson, there were clear threats to their survival. Manticore, or at least King Roger understood the threat from the People's Republic and was able to initiate a naval buildup to counter it. In Grayson's case, the repeated threat of conquest by first Masada and then Haven provided the incentive to support a buildup.

In both cases Samuel Johnson's dictum about how the prospect of being hanged concentrates the mind summarizes the situation nicely.


Yes, yes. I'm not going to come down on the League or its members for not pouring lives and wealth into floating cannons in space to defend against threats that hadn't existed. In a lot of ways, we're looking at the end of a golden age, in which so much of humanity could opt out of violence. (Although the jackboots on the protectorates' necks, the genetic slaves everywhere and the conquests of the People's Republic of Haven represent pretty huge blights in absolute terms.) But looking forward... well, with plenty of things to fear coming down the pipe - including everyone else, once they're afraid of you - humanity can "afford" to arm themselves on a staggering scale, with weapons that don't respect the old classic formalism, and without the 800 pound gorilla guaranteed to come down on planet-whacking.
Re: Question about Beowulf tactics
Post by fallsfromtrees   » Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:21 pm

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JeffEngel wrote:Yes, yes. I'm not going to come down on the League or its members for not pouring lives and wealth into floating cannons in space to defend against threats that hadn't existed. In a lot of ways, we're looking at the end of a golden age, in which so much of humanity could opt out of violence. (Although the jackboots on the protectorates' necks, the genetic slaves everywhere and the conquests of the People's Republic of Haven represent pretty huge blights in absolute terms.) But looking forward... well, with plenty of things to fear coming down the pipe - including everyone else, once they're afraid of you - humanity can "afford" to arm themselves on a staggering scale, with weapons that don't respect the old classic formalism, and without the 800 pound gorilla guaranteed to come down on planet-whacking.

IIRC, David had a line in one of the anthologies (I think) that the birth of HH came at the end of a long period of relative peace - a Pax Solara so to speak. I suspect that there is not going to be another long period of peace, even after the MAlign is defeated, until something similar to the SL arises again - an 800 lb gorilla that can enforce the peace. It is possible that Haven and Manticore together can do so for a period of time, but I expect that alliance to break down sometime after the MAlign is defeated - not to go back to war with each other, but because there is no longer a reason for the alliance, at least in the minds of the populations of the two nations.

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Re: Question about Beowulf tactics
Post by Castenea   » Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:54 pm

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fallsfromtrees wrote:IIRC, David had a line in one of the anthologies (I think) that the birth of HH came at the end of a long period of relative peace - a Pax Solara so to speak. I suspect that there is not going to be another long period of peace, even after the MAlign is defeated, until something similar to the SL arises again - an 800 lb gorilla that can enforce the peace. It is possible that Haven and Manticore together can do so for a period of time, but I expect that alliance to break down sometime after the MAlign is defeated - not to go back to war with each other, but because there is no longer a reason for the alliance, at least in the minds of the populations of the two nations.

I would suggest even after(if?) the formal peace treaty(s) between Haven, Erewhon, Manticore, and Anderman breakdown, unless the big boys are competing for something specific there will likely be an informal understanding that will keep the mayhem to a minimum in many areas where any of them are active. A good example would be South America where from 1820 till now with a few exceptions, a combination of US and British power kept Outside interference and even international wars down (the exceptions are just that exceptions). Even if for the first ~80 years despite US bombast it was the UK that actually kept the peace.
Re: Question about Beowulf tactics
Post by n7axw   » Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:30 pm

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Castenea wrote:
fallsfromtrees wrote:IIRC, David had a line in one of the anthologies (I think) that the birth of HH came at the end of a long period of relative peace - a Pax Solara so to speak. I suspect that there is not going to be another long period of peace, even after the MAlign is defeated, until something similar to the SL arises again - an 800 lb gorilla that can enforce the peace. It is possible that Haven and Manticore together can do so for a period of time, but I expect that alliance to break down sometime after the MAlign is defeated - not to go back to war with each other, but because there is no longer a reason for the alliance, at least in the minds of the populations of the two nations.

I would suggest even after(if?) the formal peace treaty(s) between Haven, Erewhon, Manticore, and Anderman breakdown, unless the big boys are competing for something specific there will likely be an informal understanding that will keep the mayhem to a minimum in many areas where any of them are active. A good example would be South America where from 1820 till now with a few exceptions, a combination of US and British power kept Outside interference and even international wars down (the exceptions are just that exceptions). Even if for the first ~80 years despite US bombast it was the UK that actually kept the peace.

You mean it wasn't the American eagle soaring above that enforced the Monroe Doctrine, keeping the European bad boys at bay??!! :lol:

Actually, the exception was probably the hasty departure of the French from Mexico in the aftermath of the ACW... Given the number of men in blue under arms in the North, there was indeed an American gorilla at that point.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Question about Beowulf tactics
Post by StealthSeeker   » Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:46 am


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Due to what seem to be conflicting bits of information is various posts, and since it has been a while since reading the books, I wish to do a bit of a missile technology review.

A "mycroft" platform is a ship-less self powered AI controlled keyhole-2 missile control platform.

Keyhole-2 missile control systems are able to use FTL communication capability to talk with Mark23-E missiles

Mark-23E missiles have a FTL communications link rather than a warhead, it is launched with a pod worth of standard Mark23 capital class missiles to which the "E" version forwards maneuver/attack commands

Standard Mark-23 missiles are 3 stage capital ship missiles with light speed communication links. To control them you need either one old style light speed telemetry link per missile, or , when launched as a pod launched group with a Mark-23E, a group of 8 Mark-23's can be controlled by one FTL telemetry link.

So,... if Beowulf is installing "mycroft" platforms for defense, wouldn't the only missiles they would be interested in producing be the Mark-23 and Mark-23E versions???

Aren't there even larger system defense missiles called Mark-23F or Mark-25 versions, with the latter being a 4 stage missile??? Are either of these controlled with FTL links or would they be launched with a Mark-23E for control effectiveness????

As far as refitting Beowulf's older SD ships, wouldn't the Mark-23 be physically over sized for the older ships??? Would it be more practical to refit older SD's to use Mark-16 2-stage missiles as they would be a better re-fit for the structure of the old ship design??? I think the only thing that can fit a Mark-23 is a ship designed from scratch that can accommodate it's size.
I think therefore I am.... I think
Re: Question about Beowulf tactics
Post by kzt   » Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:54 am

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StealthSeeker wrote: I think the only thing that can fit a Mark-23 is a ship designed from scratch that can accommodate it's size.

Most of your post is right, but Manticore actually did rebuild a few SDs to handle tube launched MDMs. Not sure if they were Mk23 or or the bigger capacitor based ones that preceded them without looking it up.
Re: Question about Beowulf tactics
Post by StealthSeeker   » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:07 am


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In Chapter 35 or ART the Mandarin Kolokoltsov talked about 3 additional system (Strathmore, Kenichi, Galen) that might also vote to exit the SL. Does anybody know if these are close neighboring system of Beowulf?

If so, they would make a nice little 4 system "empire" in the middle of the SL core worlds.
I think therefore I am.... I think
Re: Question about Beowulf tactics
Post by n7axw   » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:24 am

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StealthSeeker wrote:
So,... if Beowulf is installing "mycroft" platforms for defense, wouldn't the only missiles they would be interested in producing be the Mark-23 and Mark-23E versions???

There is logic to this, but not the whole picture. The concern expressed earlier was the availability of Apollo in necessary numbers sinse the Apollo pods had not been fully deployed prior to OB. Hence the need to deploy some pre-Apollo pods at Beowulf during the window of vulnerability as well as how we find control links for those pods prior to Mycroft being functional.

The other thing is to note that Beowulf is not only going to be producing missiles to satisfy Mycroft's needs in its own system. It's going to be the missile arsenal of the Alliance for at least the short to intermediate term future. That would mean producing the Mark 23s, the Mark 16s, the vipers for the Kantana LACs and whatever other missiles are going to be needed to serve GA fleet needs, replacing the production capacity lost at OB.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.

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