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Information I'd love to know

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Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by cthia   » Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:38 pm

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Jonathan_S wrote:
Torlek wrote:Do we know how far you have to be from a wormhole to get into hyper?
You can jump into hyper even from within the Manticoran Junction's resonance zone (the most powerful / dangerous one known). It's rough on the ships, but you can do it. It's dropping out of hyper into an RZ that's deadly.

(Though I'd suspect you can't jump into normal hyper from within the entry or exit grav 'lane' of the wormhole; ie while still close enough that you can use sails for propulsion in n-space)

But how close you can exit hyper space to a wormhole is a function of direction and (probably) wormhole strength. A junction, like Manticore's makes a much more powerful rezonance; and hence a much more dangerous RZ. It's possible that you can jump into the RZ of a low-mass limit wormhole bridge; at least if you're close enough to the system (aka far enough from the wormhole). Now I can't recall that we've ever been told that - but it wouldn't really surprise me if it was true.

However you can always jump in close to the wormhole in a direction the RZ doesn't go.

What surprises me, IINM, is that a fleet can just sit in hyper. That isn't intuitive.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by SWM   » Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:38 pm

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cthia wrote:What surprises me, IINM, is that a fleet can just sit in hyper. That isn't intuitive.


I'm not sure why that isn't intuitive. A starship can sit still in space. An ocean ship can sit in the ocean. Why would it be surprising that a hyper-going ship sit in hyper? I ask for curiosity's sake--you must have a different image of hyper than I do, and I'm curious what it could be.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by cthia   » Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:56 pm

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SWM wrote:
cthia wrote:What surprises me, IINM, is that a fleet can just sit in hyper. That isn't intuitive.


I'm not sure why that isn't intuitive. A starship can sit still in space. An ocean ship can sit in the ocean. Why would it be surprising that a hyper-going ship sit in hyper? I ask for curiosity's sake--you must have a different image of hyper than I do, and I'm curious what it could be.

I'm sure it's just a function of my misunderstanding of Honorverse hyperspace travel. I am under the impression that hyperspace travel is dependent on sails. And that sails must be properly configured before hyper, lest ship destruction. Well, while in hyper, to stop is a function of lowered sails? Intuitively that seems dangerous.

Akin to sailing on the ocean. Tacking and jibing is very important. An improper jibe can seriously damage a sailboat, or even capsize it. In the Honorverse, I would think, raising the sail within a grav wave could kill you.

Again, my stupidity is a function of my not knowing what's going on in the books. Can't wait to see it on HD.

This is why I asked the question about hyper limits and all. Trying to visualize.

Oh. And to put it all in perspective, I relate grav waves to wind currents. For grounding.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by Vince   » Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:15 pm

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Posts: 1574
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cthia wrote:What surprises me, IINM, is that a fleet can just sit in hyper. That isn't intuitive.
SWM wrote:?

I'm not sure why that isn't intuitive. A starship can sit still in space. An ocean ship can sit in the ocean. Why would it be surprising that a hyper-going ship sit in hyper? I ask for curiosity's sake--you must have a different image of hyper than I do, and I'm curious what it could be.
cthia wrote:I'm sure it's just a function of my misunderstanding of Honorverse hyperspace travel. I am under the impression that hyperspace travel is dependent on sails. And that sails must be properly configured before hyper, lest ship destruction. Well, while in hyper, to stop is a function of lowered sails? Intuitively that seems dangerous.

Akin to sailing on the ocean. Tacking and jibing is very important. An improper jibe can seriously damage a sailboat, or even capsize it. In the Honorverse, I would think, raising the sail within a grav wave could kill you.

Again, my stupidity is a function of my not knowing what's going on in the books. Can't wait to see it on HD.

This is why I asked the question about hyper limits and all. Trying to visualize.

Oh. And to put it all in perspective, I relate grav waves to wind currents. For grounding.

You need to think of hyper space as normal space with a few additional characteristics.

For normal space, Newton's Laws of Motion apply. They also apply in hyperspace. And there is no weather in normal space that is powerful enough to produce immediate, significant and--on the from a human observer's viewpoint observing for a minute or less--immediately noticeable propulsion effects.

Hyperspace has gravity waves, but not everywhere in it--most of hyperspace is a big rift--think of a cobweb where the web strands are the gravity waves and the empty space between the strands is the rift. And in a gravity wave, you need Warshawski sails to accelerate, decelerate, change direction, and to siphon energy from the eddy produced by the sails interaction with the wave in order to power.

If you aren't in a gravity wave in hyperspace, you use the impeller drive for acceleration, deceleration, and direction changes.

Instead of thinking of a normal sailboat in the water, a better analogy might be a submarine that can 'fly' above the water (normal space) where there is never any wind blowing or waves on the water. This 'flying' submarine has to use its propeller(s) in order to accelerate, decelerate, and change direction. This would be the equivalent of using the impeller drive in normal space. And since it is 'flying' above the water (traveling in normal space), it has no interaction with the water (hyperspace).

Now imagine the submarine going below the surface of the water (the alpha wall). It crosses instantly (or so near instantly as to make no difference) into the water and is immediately subject to the forces in the water.

If the submarine emerges into a rift, it continues on with the same speed minus the translation energy bleed (think of this as a splash, except that hyperspace splashes always travel in the same direction of crossing the wall (surface layer of the water) of the ship that produces the splash. In other words splashes can occur down--a ship translating into hyper--as well as up--a ship translating into normal space). The submarine must use its propeller(s) (impeller drive) to accelerate, decelerate and change direction.

If the submarine emerges into a gravity wave it continues on with the same speed minus the translation energy bleed and is immediately subject to the forces of the gravity wave--think of gravity waves as currents with turbulent and calm eddies--and must have its Warshawski sails deployed to safely ride the current--at least until the ship stabilizes itself relative to the gravity wave. And the submarine uses its sails to accelerate, decelerate, change direction and provide power.

For climbing up the higher hyperspace bands, think of the submarine crossing from layers (hyper bands) of less dense water to layers of more dense water, with 'splashes' (translation energy bleed) as it crosses each layer (hyper band interface) as it moves from layer to layer (from one hyper band to another).
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by SWM   » Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:38 pm

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cthia wrote:
SWM wrote:?

I'm not sure why that isn't intuitive. A starship can sit still in space. An ocean ship can sit in the ocean. Why would it be surprising that a hyper-going ship sit in hyper? I ask for curiosity's sake--you must have a different image of hyper than I do, and I'm curious what it could be.

I'm sure it's just a function of my misunderstanding of Honorverse hyperspace travel. I am under the impression that hyperspace travel is dependent on sails. And that sails must be properly configured before hyper, lest ship destruction. Well, while in hyper, to stop is a function of lowered sails? Intuitively that seems dangerous.

Akin to sailing on the ocean. Tacking and jibing is very important. An improper jibe can seriously damage a sailboat, or even capsize it. In the Honorverse, I would think, raising the sail within a grav wave could kill you.

Again, my stupidity is a function of my not knowing what's going on in the books. Can't wait to see it on HD.

This is why I asked the question about hyper limits and all. Trying to visualize.

Oh. And to put it all in perspective, I relate grav waves to wind currents. For grounding.

Nope. You don't need sails in hyperspace--you only need sails in grav waves. In most of hyperspace you use ordinary impeller wedges. Before impellers were invented, they used ordinary thrusters to move in hyperspace.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by cthia   » Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:10 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
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cthia wrote:
SWM wrote:?

I'm not sure why that isn't intuitive. A starship can sit still in space. An ocean ship can sit in the ocean. Why would it be surprising that a hyper-going ship sit in hyper? I ask for curiosity's sake--you must have a different image of hyper than I do, and I'm curious what it could be.

I'm sure it's just a function of my misunderstanding of Honorverse hyperspace travel. I am under the impression that hyperspace travel is dependent on sails. And that sails must be properly configured before hyper, lest ship destruction. Well, while in hyper, to stop is a function of lowered sails? Intuitively that seems dangerous.

Akin to sailing on the ocean. Tacking and jibing is very important. An improper jibe can seriously damage a sailboat, or even capsize it. In the Honorverse, I would think, raising the sail within a grav wave could kill you.

Again, my stupidity is a function of my not knowing what's going on in the books. Can't wait to see it on HD.

This is why I asked the question about hyper limits and all. Trying to visualize.

Oh. And to put it all in perspective, I relate grav waves to wind currents. For grounding.

SWM wrote:Nope. You don't need sails in hyperspace--you only need sails in grav waves. In most of hyperspace you use ordinary impeller wedges. Before impellers were invented, they used ordinary thrusters to move in hyperspace.

Don't really know where to begin. Too much to cover. Too little time. No inclination to make waves.

Vince. Thanks for your explanation of what's going on in the Honorverse. I was certainly unclear. I still am, mind you, but at least I have a better basis.

SWM. Thanks for adding to my clarity of it.

However, it just isn't intuitive.

Now, how do I proceed ... without ruffling the feathers of the author, or my niece?! :lol:

Hyperspace travel is a theoretical construct. My idea of what goes on, or has to go on, varies a bit. One main problem (not the only) I, and my niece, have is when considering the mechanics of Riemannian space, which we feel is inescapable (pardon the pun) when engaging in hyperspace.

But, an author can create his Sci-Fi world out of any colored lego blocks he chooses. I just tend to enjoy the story.

My niece, OTOH, tends to squawk, and if she had joined the forum, this is one area she'd have caused many gravity waves of her own. :lol:

I don't have the space-time :D . Neither does she. But her anality (I'll pay for that) would have prevented her from turning the other cheek. Me, I just tend to ride the waves and enjoy the story.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by SWM   » Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:56 am

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It's perfectly fine if you don't find it intuitive. I was just curious what mental image you had of hyperspace. Keep on enjoying it!
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by JohnRoth   » Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:56 am


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Location: Centreville, VA, USA

cthia wrote:What surprises me, IINM, is that a fleet can just sit in hyper. That isn't intuitive.

SWM wrote:I'm not sure why that isn't intuitive. A starship can sit still in space. An ocean ship can sit in the ocean. Why would it be surprising that a hyper-going ship sit in hyper? I ask for curiosity's sake--you must have a different image of hyper than I do, and I'm curious what it could be.

cthia wrote:I'm sure it's just a function of my misunderstanding of Honorverse hyperspace travel. I am under the impression that hyperspace travel is dependent on sails. And that sails must be properly configured before hyper, lest ship destruction. Well, while in hyper, to stop is a function of lowered sails? Intuitively that seems dangerous.

Akin to sailing on the ocean. Tacking and jibing is very important. An improper jibe can seriously damage a sailboat, or even capsize it. In the Honorverse, I would think, raising the sail within a grav wave could kill you.

Again, my stupidity is a function of my not knowing what's going on in the books. Can't wait to see it on HD.

This is why I asked the question about hyper limits and all. Trying to visualize.

Oh. And to put it all in perspective, I relate grav waves to wind currents. For grounding.

It may help to think of it as being analogous to ocean travel in the Age of Sail. Grav waves are either prevailing winds or currents, places where there are no grav waves don't have winds or currents. Putting up a sail when there is no wind to catch is useless, you need another method of propulsion.

Of course, you can push the analogy too far. You've got grav sheer, dimensional sheer and a whole lot of other things. There are quite a few things that are there specifically to nerf the system so it's not too unbalanced. Hyper limits are one of them: they're needed so you can actually have a fight in normal space without the looser simply hypering out.
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by Vince   » Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:43 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1574
Joined: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:43 pm

SWM wrote:?

I'm not sure why that isn't intuitive. A starship can sit still in space. An ocean ship can sit in the ocean. Why would it be surprising that a hyper-going ship sit in hyper? I ask for curiosity's sake--you must have a different image of hyper than I do, and I'm curious what it could be.
cthia wrote:I'm sure it's just a function of my misunderstanding of Honorverse hyperspace travel. I am under the impression that hyperspace travel is dependent on sails. And that sails must be properly configured before hyper, lest ship destruction. Well, while in hyper, to stop is a function of lowered sails? Intuitively that seems dangerous.

Akin to sailing on the ocean. Tacking and jibing is very important. An improper jibe can seriously damage a sailboat, or even capsize it. In the Honorverse, I would think, raising the sail within a grav wave could kill you.

Again, my stupidity is a function of my not knowing what's going on in the books. Can't wait to see it on HD.

This is why I asked the question about hyper limits and all. Trying to visualize.

Oh. And to put it all in perspective, I relate grav waves to wind currents. For grounding.
SWM wrote:Nope. You don't need sails in hyperspace--you only need sails in grav waves. In most of hyperspace you use ordinary impeller wedges. Before impellers were invented, they used ordinary thrusters to move in hyperspace.
cthia wrote:Don't really know where to begin. Too much to cover. Too little time. No inclination to make waves.

Vince. Thanks for your explanation of what's going on in the Honorverse. I was certainly unclear. I still am, mind you, but at least I have a better basis.

SWM. Thanks for adding to my clarity of it.

However, it just isn't intuitive.

Now, how do I proceed ... without ruffling the feathers of the author, or my niece?! :lol:

Hyperspace travel is a theoretical construct. My idea of what goes on, or has to go on, varies a bit. One main problem (not the only) I, and my niece, have is when considering the mechanics of Riemannian space, which we feel is inescapable (pardon the pun) when engaging in hyperspace.

But, an author can create his Sci-Fi world out of any colored lego blocks he chooses. I just tend to enjoy the story.

My niece, OTOH, tends to squawk, and if she had joined the forum, this is one area she'd have caused many gravity waves of her own. :lol:

I don't have the space-time :D . Neither does she. But her anality (I'll pay for that) would have prevented her from turning the other cheek. Me, I just tend to ride the waves and enjoy the story.

Don't think of a sailboat. A sailboat is actually a rather poor analogy, as it is in the interface of two different mediums (air with wind or calm, and water with currents or the lack of them) and is at the mercy of both, which can be completely opposite of each other. A sailboat can be thought of as stuck in the alpha wall between normal and hyperspace, which David has said doesn't happen.

With normal and hyper space, you are either in one or the other, and experience only those forces that are local to your position in (hyper or normal) space, not both. And normal space, outside of very strictly limited circumstances in the Honorverse, has no forces except normal gravity acting on a ship in it, which can be calculated today (satellites and space probes launched by rockets).
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by saber964   » Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:01 pm


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Here is the tally for the RMN

New Tuscany
16 BC Disabled
5 DD Disabled
All units left behind with slagged main computers

48 SD
24 BC
12 CA
23 CL
18 DD

60 SD intact
90 damaged
32 BC
30 CL
50 AKA and APA

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