drothgery wrote:It's kind of odd. Haven and the Andermani have built true MDMs on their own. The Alignment has known about them just as long as Haven and the Andies have, and has genetically engineered super-techies working on the problem, but does not. And the super-sized league defense contractors that could make a fortune selling new warships if they could prove the League's existing wall of battle needed replacing haven't been able to either.
In regards to the MAlignment, yes, I would expect them to have MDM's in short order..but IIRC what made them practical was the Micro-fusion power sources, which requires a breakthough that no one else seems to have made (fair's fair; Mesa made the breakthough on the streak and spider drive that no one else even thought of).
Superior brains does not always equal superior thinking.
As for the Sollie contractors, I'm sure they'd love to build new classes of ships, but the SLN is the most
conservative navy out there--because any real, revolutionary change renders their overwhelming superiority obsolete. (And of course, only the Sollies would develop such technology...you couldn't expect the
neobarbs to do so...
Look sometime at the fight over building HMS
Dreadnought...because it virtually rendered every battleship there was (including all the British ships of the time) obsolete. Everybody had to start at the beginning again.
Same thing in the Honorverse...except that the SEM (and Grayson) have managed to build a whole fleet of
HMS Dreadnoughts while nobody was looking (well, Haven and the Andies were and are close to catching up).