Dilandu wrote:As i recall, the average density of air on the heights:
Sea level - 1,225 kg/m3
1 km - 1,112 kg/m3
5 km - 0,736 kg/m3
10 km - 0,414 kg/m3
20 km - 0,089 kg/m3
50 km - 0,00102 kg/m3
About 70-80 km, the density of air fall below the density of hydrogen, so the lift would stop.
As you could see, even to reach the 10 km you need more than triple volume of hydrogen for the same lifting power. For the 20 km, you need 13,7 times more. And for 50 km - more than thousand times more!
WTF is this business of using commas for radix points? What idiot started it, and
WHY did anybody copy it? If I see 123,456,789 -
HOW am I supposed to tell if it means 123 million 456 thousand 7 hundred and eighty-nine, or 123 thousand 4 hundred and fifty-six and almost 8/10ths? THOU SHALT NOT PUNCTUATE NUMBERS IN AN AMBIGUOUS MANNER! (/rant)
Gentlemen! You can't fight in here - this is the War Room!