cthia wrote:cthia wrote:Of course, an author can create his sci-fi world out of any colored lego blocks he chooses.
Having said that, I cannot see any star system surviving without the benefit of a local hydrogen production plant. You simply cannot rely on tankered in hydrogen. Wars, blockades, accidents, pirates, Murphy, distance would kill a star system. Personally, I can only see tankered hydrogen in emergency situations, such as stranded ships, or part of a fleet train, etc.
fallsfromtrees wrote:
Current theories of planetary system formation almost require the development of gas giant planets during the formation of the system. It is entirely possible that survey teams would consider a system without a gas giant to be uncolonizable, and move onto the next.
In fact, thinking about it, such a system would make a good hiding place for Darius, since everyone would know that you couldn't have colony there, and there are enough systems with only gas giants that you could use tankers to keep it supplied.
I'd hesitate to buy into this 'trees (though it is to be considered) simply because another thing to consider might be that hydrogen production may be all too common an undertaking, and not dependent on gas giants or nebula, for at least
nominal operations, or, it, intuitively, would place too many specifics of requirements in a suitable Peep or MAlignment bolthole.
And you wouldn't want to have a steady consignment of hydrogen en route to your secretive base.
fallsfromtrees wrote:As far as it placing too specific a requirement on a MAlign bolthole, it might well be that finding such an oddity caused the MAlign to decide to put Darius there, simply because of its obvious unsuitability. Now as the location of Bolthole, no gas mine would be a detriment, as they are building large numbers of ships there which are going to have to be fueled. I concede that the continuous train of hydrogen freighters running into your hidden place is a good way for it not to remain hidden very long.
I don't mean detriment in that sense. What I mean is this, your imperative is ...
"Scout for a system way off the beaten path."
That's going to lower the available choices.
"The system must also be off the beaten path where
no one goes."
That lowers the possibilities even further.
"By the way, it also has to be near a gas giant."
In addition to whatever
other stipulations a feasible bolthole make, finding one to suit so many natural parameters
and factor in an added necessity to be local to a gas giant, and that suitable location to have been found twice, by two separate entities, strikes me as falling under a very rare umbrella.
And if it is specified that that gas giant be a certain type, well ...
And I'm assuming the MAlign needs hydrogen too, for whatever reasons. They don't take their classified Mercedes out of local space for a spin.