cthia wrote:Are we absolutely sure that the Solarian League - some rogue element thereof, isn't in cahoots with the MALign, even if forcibly so?
What if the MALign, and it seems that they would, have their own version of the North Hollow files with a noose around key Solarians' necks. Solarians who may know exactly where the Mesan bolthole is.
Well, actually, we know for a fact that the Alignment has blackmail material on a number of officials in the Solarian League. Filareta, for instance. We also know that the Alignment has placed at least one actual agent high up in Solarian intelligence, through assassinations, reassignments, and other means. However, we can be absolutely certain that none of these people know where Darius is. In fact, almost none of them except for true agents know of the existence of the Alignment. The Alignment is pulling their strings through other puppets, such as Manpower.
Knowledge about the existence of Darius is limited to a very small number of people, all of whom are deep inside the Onion. Of those, even fewer know the location of Darius, and almost all of those will soon be on Darius. Knowledge of Darius is very very tightly compartmentalized. People who are merely being used, blackmailed, or tricked into doing the Alignment's bidding generally don't even know the Alignment exists.