Theemile wrote:Yeah, the problem with a FG FAC or Dronetender is the same as everything else - Mass. As a FAC it has to put itself out where the oposition WILL shoot at it - and in the MDM/POD/laserhead era, that means using CMs - lots of them, in additon to PDLCs for defense. Like a Katana, a FG will burn itself dry in just a few minutes if it is in the frey - and it will be a much bigger (and expensive) target than a Katana will be.
There's also the issue of what may be around to do that FAC role. If there are heavy hitters around that need the spotting, they're going to be bringing their own recon drones, Apollo missiles, and/or LAC's to the party, any of which may be doing that instead of some independently hyper-capable unit.
A Dronetender is a similiar proposition - Depending on the Drone, they are Massive - the smallest usually are >250 Tons, with system platforms climbing from there. When you look at the Conventional Gryf class Frigate (the only one we have #s on) it is only 14 K tons larger than a defenseless Dispatch Boat. Even only a handful of drones and going to quickly eat up your available mass, and you still need to allocate weapons, defenses and sensors inside that mass, as well as the extra crew.
And at that point, you may as well fill it up a little more and realize it's pretty much what you want out of a destroyer or light cruiser anyway. (And it may have the tonnage that, 30 years ago, would have made it a heavy cruiser.)
Warfare has just passed the Frigate up as a warfighter in a sustainable fight. And as weapons poliferate, the Classic DD will go next and the CL will Bloat into the CA range. By 1940 PD, FGs, DDs, and Classic CLs will only be used by Pirates and 4th rate navies.
If you're defining the classic ship types by tonnage, certainly. I don't have a quibble with the definition; it did work for centuries in the Honorverse after all. But if you define things by role, you'll still have destroyers (probably) and cruisers. (Heck, the frigate vs. destroyer distinction, if you are not counting it by tonnage, is a bit elusive for me.) You'll just have the typical size range for them jumping way up: destroyer jobs being performed by ships the size of old CA's, cruiser jobs being performed by ships the size of old battlecruisers, battlecruiser jobs being performed by ships the size of smallish old battleships. And there may not be much point in building things to do "destroyer" things without building them a touch larger and letting them do "light cruiser" things too.