SharkHunter wrote:Thoughts on the number of ships vs the MSN.
Keep in mind that the MSN is used to taking orders from .... somebody. And those somebodies have cut and run, leaving a defense force that already knows they can't stand up to a single SD(p), let alone whatever parts of 10th Fleet Admirals Henke, etc. brought with her to Meyers and thence to Mesa.
But in Cauldron of Ghosts and at the end of aRT, for the sake of responsibility. Henke IS 10th Fleet.
She's not going to leave Meyers bare, and there's more Madras sector wiping up to do. In the unlikely event she were killed in that battle, control of 10th fleet doesn't just go downhill forever to her highest ranking squadron admiral. "Mesa area 10th fleet" would, but only until communication were established with Manticore. Whatever she's left behind her is temporarily Khumalo's until she gets back.
So twelve capital ships are apparently what "10th Fleet" took with her. More than enough to make the abandoned Mesan command structure to consider the high likelihood of being shot or hung in the next few hours or days if they didn't roll over and play humble puppy PDQ.
As SWM said, the MSN takes orders from the Mesan Government, not the now-vanished MAlign. The Mesan government, on the other hand, is busy looking for fresh underwear the last we saw of them in CoG.
The MAN doesn't think very much of the MSN. That opinion might even be justified, considering what happened at Torch:
Crown of Slaves, Chapter 46 wrote:"And speakin' purely as a backward and benighted neobarb," Oversteegen observed with deadly affability, "I really suspect, Commodore, that your government would be most unhappy with the officer who managed, in one afternoon, t' get them into a shootin' war with both the Solarian League and the Star Kingdom of Manticore."
Navarre deflated visibly. It was rather like watching the air flow out of a punctured balloon, Oversteegen thought. The commodore was clearly picturing what a squadron or two of modern Matacoran ships-of-the-wall could do to the entire Mesan navy. Especially if the Solarian League wasn't simply giving them free passage to reach Mesa but actually acting as a co-belligerent.
As far as actual hulls are concerned, in CoS Commodore Navarre has a battlecruiser, two heavy cruisers, three light cruisers and fourteen destroyers. That's unlikely to be the entire MSN, but we don't know how much more there is.