roseandheather wrote:Laz48 wrote:One note: It is mentioned that only a few commanders get to command a destroyer, as Honor did. Back in her time, this was almost always an outdated destroyer.
HMS Tristam is a destroyer, albeit the most modern class. Perhaps due to the exponential growth of the navy, and the fact that Naomi earned her right by trial of fire, she was granted the Tristam, and will do the crusher before her next command.
Since RFC never explained, and the timelines between the crusher hnd her injuries don't reconcile, this could be one alternative.
I always assumed that Naomi did the Crusher during her recovery from her injuries at Monica - after all, it's a primarily cerebral exercise.
Of course,
Tristram is a destroyer, so it's also possible that she's slated for the Crusher before her next command.
RnH, you made me curious, so I did a little (as little as possible) research.
Naomi was severly injured at the Battle of Monica in February 1921 and evaucated to Manticore for treatment around March 1921 (upon arrival of Admiral O'Malley's forces). We next see her with Aivars offering Helen and Abagail their new jobs (TAC Officer and Flag LT.) upon Therekhov's very brief return to Manticore, just before Tourville and Chin showed up in July 1921.
So I don't see where there would have been the time for her to take the Crusher prior to assuming command of the
I figure she'll get it in sometime...