BobfromSydney wrote:roseandheather wrote:Have I talked about Honor and Estelle yet?
Too bad. I'm going to do it again.
Their relationship is... amazing. It's just amazing. Estelle doesn't go ga-ga over anybody, but she went gaga over Honor. And Honor... I think, with Estelle, she met for the first time a politician she could really
respect. They changed each other for the better, and for that reason alone I will always love their enduring friendship.
I wouldn't call Lady Dame Matsuko a politician (back on Medusa) - I figured her role was more that of an extremely senior bureaucrat since she wasn't voted into the 'office'. I suppose she could be called a politician now, but it still feels like a stretch. Although she deals with politics, she does so as a direct representative of the Empress and does not have to seek election.
I get where you're coming from, but I called her a 'politician' based on different criteria than you seem to. As one of the Foreign Office's 'heavy hitters' - as I believe I've called her before - Dame Estelle
is a government official, and one with a
lot of power. She has to know how to maneuver in that world, and Honor - at least as of OBS - certainly doesn't confine her distrust of politicians to elected officials. She didn't
like partisan games, but Dame Estelle, bureaucrat or not, is an expert at them, and what's more, knows how to play them. It's the political maneuvering Honor hated, not elected officials on general principle.
SorchaRei wrote:
I will never forget Medusa's ice cold response to her intelligence officer's outrage over Terekhov's departure for Monica. It started "I once knew another Navy captain".
File that under the heading "Moments Rose Will Never Be Over Even If She Winds Up With Total Amnesia."
Every time I see her reference Honor in the Talbott books - whether it's "I once knew another Navy captain" or "Let's be about it," I cry a little from sheer happiness.