Resurrecting this thread rather than starting a new one, since it isn't that old (1 month) and it has some pretty good discussions in it.
So of course I will post something completely different....
What kind of force can the SLN expect to bring to the party and how soon? We know from textev that it is about 60 days until Beowulf holds it's elections and Mycroft would be ready to spin up (Murphy willing), so can the ISLN put together a major force in that time.
Well, 500 SD's are no longer available (Crandall and Filareta saw to that) and 600 are at Tasmania (which takes about 3-4 weeks to get a dispatch boat to, IIRC), so you have around 1,000 SD's available, of which about 100 are under Tsang at Sol.
If figure being the 'home of humanity', along with important bases and leaders therein, that there is at least 100 more SD's in the Sol system, giving us 200. The reset are in bases in the Core systems as I recall textev.
So, how about this time-line:
Day 1-5: Mandarins come up with plan, sell it to Navy, Navy agrees and sends on dispatch boats (Manticore or Haven would have had them going in less than 24 hours, but the ISLN is still pretty arthritic).
Day 6-12: Dispatch boats (8ly/day) visit all SD bases in a sphere approximatley 100ly in diameter from Sol. This should cover a goodly percentage of the Core Worlds.
Day 12-16: Fleet task forces prepare to journey to Sol. For arguments sake, lets say the bases reached have 500 SD's and 360 are delegated to this mission. Again, reaction time is slow compared to the RMN or RHN, because the system simply isn't built to move that fast.
Day 17-25: SD's make their way to Sol (figure 6ly/day)
Day 26-34: Orgainize units and prepare for attack.
Day 35-42: Sail for Beowulf.
So, it should be possible for the ISLN, even given the slow response times inherent in the system, to put around 450-500 SD's at the Beowulf hyper limit before Mycroft can be deployed.
What happens next...depends...does Beowulf have Mark 23 pods deployed? Do they have the fire control to handle them? How fast can the SEM/GA ships out at Wormhole micro-jump in (want to bet Alice has had them practicing?). And what orders does the SLN commander have?
....And for all of that, odds are fair to middling that, just like the raid on Cathy and Anton's house, we'll never get to see it.