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HFQ Official Snippet #12

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by Charybdis   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:46 am

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BobG wrote:pbreed wrote:
Ok... I got a weird feeling about this snippet....
Merlin is taking people and Nimue to the one place where all the records, owl, Narlman etc is located. Suppose that there was more than one vest pocket nuke left around un-accounted for...

What would happen with no Owl, no Merlin, no Nimue, no federation records, all gone from a single blast....

That's been worrying me, too.

-- Bob G

Earldrygulch wrote:
If that happens the seies is over.

While I too would feel the loss of such great characters, I disagree that this series would be over. The loss of OWL and most probably all communications would indeed be devastating but Charis has already started the Industrial Revolution and with that infrastructure, the semi-feudal theocracy of the CoGA and Go4 are trying to push the tide back. Their only (unknown) hope is in the 'Return' and/or 'The Thing Under the Temple', neither of which IMHO are slam-dunks in their favor.

Yes, this war will turn uglier and run far longer. Nonetheless the multiplication factor of tech superiority will doom the stasis proponents of the CoGA (already pretty much self-destructed!)

What say you, my peers?
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by BobG   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:45 am

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pbreed wrote:
Ok... I got a weird feeling about this snippet....
Merlin is taking people and Nimue to the one place where all the records, owl, Narlman etc is located. Suppose that there was more than one vest pocket nuke left around un-accounted for...

What would happen with no Owl, no Merlin, no Nimue, no federation records, all gone from a single blast....

BobG (me :D ) replied:
That's been worrying me, too.

Earldrygulch replied:
If that happens the seies is over.

Charybdis then replied:
While I too would feel the loss of such great characters, I disagree that this series would be over. The loss of OWL and most probably all communications would indeed be devastating but Charis has already started the Industrial Revolution and with that infrastructure, the semi-feudal theocracy of the CoGA and Go4 are trying to push the tide back. Their only (unknown) hope is in the 'Return' and/or 'The Thing Under the Temple', neither of which IMHO are slam-dunks in their favor.

Yes, this war will turn uglier and run far longer. Nonetheless the multiplication factor of tech superiority will doom the stasis proponents of the CoGA (already pretty much self-destructed!)

Actually, the scenario that really worries me is if Nimue is not piloting the other skimmer. In that case, if they lost the cave, Owl, Nahrmahn, and Merlin, there would still be some continuation. In fact, I've viewed Nimue's creation as an indicator that one of the two of them, Merlin or Nimue, will be killed off.

Of course, an interesting spin on that would have been if Merlin was killed off before they created Nimue, and so instead of Nimue they created another Merlin, but without his Safeholdian memories. That would have been an interesting twist.

I would think, BTW, that a skimmer's seat would include medical scanners. Whether it could detect a pocket nuke is another issue. For that matter, if they did detect a pocket nuke on (or in) her, what could they do? Is there an ejection seat on the skimmer?

My paranoid thought is that if she is an agent of the Temple (not the church), then it is probably not conscious, but that she was given the NEAT interface as a newborn by Temple remotes, then steered to her present path. She would be subconsciously programmed to do ... something. My first guess would be an implanted comm, to reveal her location to the Temple. But the skimmer would detect such as signal, and inside the cave I doubt a comm would work without OWL's approval.

OTOH, if Merlin did detect something odd about Sandaria (such as non-nuke implants), what would he do? Would he deliberately take her to the cave and remove or investigate them? Would he put her into cold storage?

Lots of unknowns. I really really hope DW isn't going to intersperse this thread with another one, and that we see what happens in the cave soon.

-- Bob G
SF & Fantasy: The only things better than Chocolate.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by Rod   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:01 am

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Caliban wrote:
Charybdis wrote:"Prince Nahrman, I presume" said Nynian, tartly! :lol:
"Mostly" replied Nahrman, tersely. 8-)
Merlin quivered, tensely. :?

I was afraid of this.... for some, the snippet arrived too late.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

They're All to late :)

And thanks RFC
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by n7axw   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:31 am

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All of this is sounding horribly far fetched. RFC is not above killing off a major character. But he doesn't do it in job lots. Besides, there are elements of the story that would be interrupted if you guys' scenario were to play out and I see no way to retrieve them.

So count me very's not gonna happen. The worst that I see here is that two lovely ladies get stuck in cryo.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by isaac_newton   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:59 am

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BobG wrote:pbreed wrote:
Ok... I got a weird feeling about this snippet....
Merlin is taking people and Nimue to the one place where all the records, owl, Narlman etc is located. Suppose that there was more than one vest pocket nuke left around un-accounted for...

What would happen with no Owl, no Merlin, no Nimue, no federation records, all gone from a single blast....

That's been worrying me, too.

-- Bob G

hmmmmmm 'the manifest prognostics of indigestion' having its effects I would suggest. Too much turkey perhaps :-)

I really, really dont see that happening!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by AncientMariner   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:03 pm

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n7axw wrote:All of this is sounding horribly far fetched. RFC is not above killing off a major character. But he doesn't do it in job lots. Besides, there are elements of the story that would be interrupted if you guys' scenario were to play out and I see no way to retrieve them.

So count me very's not gonna happen. The worst that I see here is that two lovely ladies get stuck in cryo.


I totally agree with you Don. In order for this to work:

1) Get a pocket nuke. Considering that the last one was set off almost 1000 years before, I really doubt there were a lot of others hanging around, and that they would have passed down the SSK ranks to current date, waiting to be used.
2) Ninian, who I think it's safe to say has been an ally to Charis and Siddarmark from the beginning, would have to decide that Merlin is a threat. Then she assumes that he must have some base of operations. Then she has to arrange to get the pocket nuke (doubtful she'd be just carrying it around). Then, approach Merlin with the story we heard earlier, and plan to take the nuke with her and her second in command on a suicide mission (!) when Merlin takes them to his base.
3) Why?

If it goes down this way, I will eat my hat.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by dwileye13   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:01 pm

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lyonheart wrote:Hi Dwileye13,

OTOH, it could be the prelude to a whole lot of the background, ie the WAtF, and things we didn't know we didn't know or 'unk-unks' about Safehold and differences between Schueler and Chihiro etc.

Given RFC's penchant for detail, BGV's campaign might be 50 pages from now. ;)


dwileye13 wrote:Snip

First, thanks for the snippet.
Then, I have to admit that RFC got me on that one. I wouldn't have thought that Merlin simply takes Aivah to the Cave without her (and Sandariah) knowing the truth. A daring move.
Other than that, few hard facts. We've to assume that Narmahn will be some surprise to Aivah very soon. And Nimue II is probably piloting the other skimmer.
Oh, and 90 minutes taking more than 10 days is a cruel, cruel fate.

I love an optomist. This feels like the end of that trail for a while and RFC gets such joy from hanging us off cliffs, this thread will pick up somewhere else in the next snippet.

BGV most likely or in South March

Mr. Weber, Thank you for the snippet and get some rest, please make the next one a big one!

You are absolutely right, the chapter Title includes Nimue's Cave. So there will be more detail and revelations on all sides. UNLESS he cuts some of the text to preserve his storyline.

I wonder if Nynian has some form of Memory in her possession that OWL could access?? HMMMMMM
I am not young enough to know everything!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by DianeSilva   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:02 pm

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DrakBibliophile wrote:Thank You Oh Great And Magnificent Wizard Weber :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

Thank you Mr Weber for this marvelous snippet. So looking forward to the book. Will be interesting to find out my how Aivah reacts to the whole truth
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by fallsfromtrees   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:10 pm

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BobG wrote:snip

Lots of unknowns. I really really hope DW isn't going to intersperse this thread with another one, and that we see what happens in the cave soon.

-- Bob G

And just what are the chances that RFC isn't going to cut to another scene just as this one gets really interesting?

The only problem with quotes on the internet is that you can't authenticate them -- Abraham Lincoln
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #12
Post by MPCatchup   » Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:24 pm

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This addiction to snippets is the worst, I can never get enough to stop the shakes.

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