JeffEngel wrote:samwichse wrote:Has anyone else noticed that everything Sharleyan does, she does tartly?
A bit Tartly,
She's the grown-up surrounded by smart alecs. It's inevitable.
Children tend to decide things based on their emotions. Adults, at least occasionally, think first. How many times did Dad exhort me to think FIRST before acting
AE Van Vogt's Null-A series: The probabilistic logic might be doable today, although difficult. What would be really nice would be a training method that produces an automatic habit of thinking, at least a little bit, whenever there is time. And of causing thinking that fits the facts, not the assumptions.
Brain damage tells us a lot about the extremes. One kind of brain damage results in people who think things over, but never act. Analysis paralysis happens without the damage. Another kind results in people who do whatever they feel like at that instant. Over impulsiveness has also been seen in people who (probably) are not brain damaged.