TN4994 wrote:Or if you're worried about being told that you don't seem to be a loyal member of Mother Church, forgive the debt. I know what Clyntahn does to people of little faith.
Except that has the same effect as the Church declaring all its debts void: NO ONE is going to trust Church promises of payment anymore. And if no one trusts Church promises of payment, the entire wartime economy collapses. Foundries workers can't buy food, and then stop working (or rebel) because they're starving to death. Same goes for the people mining ore for the foundries. Farmers can't buy supplies to keep their farms running. And it goes on and on.
As long as DuChairne is running Church finances, he's not going to do it and will continually point out the above as the reason why not.
A full on command economy MIGHT stave off collapse, but the Church has no concept of what a command economy IS (even if they've effectively made one). People expect to be paid for work done. In all likelihood, a full on command economy is likely to go the way of the Soviet Union... except do so even faster because the Church is fighting a full on war on what amounts to economic fumes.