Chris33 wrote:I would love to see a TV series of HH. But, I would like to see it using the designs, ship, uniform, etc, as seen in House of Steel. I think that the glitzy, no, gaudy, designs put forth in the comics served a purpose, to draw in a new/movie audience, but I think the more stately and subdued designs of BuNine would serve a TV re telling much better. Since one wouldn't have to hurry the 'audience training' along with vastly disimiler visual cues.
Just my two cents.
Of course they would be better - they ARE better! However, I am afraid that all the scuttlebutt on this subject is that we the fans are never going to convince the Evergreen design and marketing staff. They are solidly convinced that more fanciful, nationally distinct designs are necessary to help define the factions for a mass audience that is NOT familiar with the melieu, in a non-time consuming, visual way.
Dear Evergreen - For What It Is're wrong on this.