EdThomas wrote:There seems to be a consensus here that the COGA will be “reformed". (snip)
My problem with “reform” is that I have no idea of what you're talking about because I know very little about how different churches are organized. Could you please give some examples of how a reformed COGA would look. Thanks
What we know is that there was (and still is) a reformist movement in the CoGA, even in Haven and Howard. Their goal was probably to bring the CoGA back on the path defined by the "Great Charge" of Langhorne: That the Church serves the people, and not vice versa.
The problem is that the mainstream was towards a theocratic empire. Any effective reformist movement would have probably shattered the CoGA as soon as the major political powers took an interest. (Harchong was just fine with the CoGA as it was, Siddarmark not so. Just look at the Holy Roman Empire during the reformation for references.)
If you're talking about the time after the truth about Langhorne comes out, I'd still expect a very fractured picture of denominations. There might even be fanatics sanctifying Clyntahn . But there won't be one central CoGA any more, and whatever major church would be established, the names of Langhorne and Bedard would not feature in it at all...