Joat42 wrote:Why doesn't everyone he speeds away with have a broken neck among other things.
I watched something recently where someone could move incredibly fast (may have been the flash), but he propped the heads up of those he speed away with so they wouldn't break their necks. I can't remember what is was though. Still, the G-forces would be tremendous so any ordinary persons subjected to these forces would probably split open like a ripe melon.
How to kill a super speedster(also called Flash even if very much not the same): than Black isn´t one of my favourites, but they do deserve a thumbs up for using surprisingly much realism in their highly "supered up" universe.
What bothers me most about "superhero physics" and also "Hollywood physics" is when they use in your face handwavium (a la The Core, Armageddon) with zero believability. They could at least try to get the physics somewhat correct.
Of course, in some ways you can always look upon the powers of superheroes as a form of magic which means physics as we know it isn't involved.

Just spare me the stupid Hollywood physics.
Oh yes please!
Imaginos1892 wrote:In the first Hulk movie, there is a scene where he grabs an M-1 Abrams tank by its cannon barrel, whirls it around and throws it about half a mile.
I don't care how strong he is, he's not heavy enough to do that with a 70 ton tank.
One of many reasons i think the recent Hulk movies suck. Quite liked the earlier tv-series.
Daryl wrote:At a similar vintage the A Team could regularly go head to head with lots of baddies at close range, both lots armed with full auto weapons yet no one ever got shot.
Well, that kind of thing HAS happened for real so at least it´s not completely impossible.
Unlikely but not unrealistic.
Cthia wrote:What red marks [X] or failing grades have you given?
Too many.
The single most common is probably gun physics. If someone can fire a gun without getting thrown by it, then someone that gets HIT by the projectile, AFTER the energy losses in between, most certainly will NOT go flying from the hit.
Counter question however, can you think of anything that others "redmarks" but is actually realistic?
One simple answer to that, try watching some of the more outrageous parkour practitioners and notice that even if most movies fake it, a surprising amount of "tricks" can actually be done for real.