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HFQ Official Snippet #7

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #7
Post by lyonheart   » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:50 pm

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Hi PeterZ,

I think duty with the KH VII's is far more likely than other possibilities, but that won't happen until July or August at the earliest; so he has time to officially recover and enjoy Irys, besides earning respect from those that might suspect he was capitalizing on his protected royal consort status and who knows, be back in time for the baby's birth in November? ;)


PeterZ wrote:
n7axw wrote:*quote="fallsfromtrees"*
For right now sure. Hektor is still (officially) recovering from his near fatal wounds received on his wedding day. That recovery can be stretched out as long as necessary, but eventually he is going to request a posting*quote*

He may well do that, but I suspect that the result will be a heart to heart talk with Cayleb who will explain to him why it's not in the Empire's best interest at the moment for him to be haring off on new adventures.


Sorry, Don, I disagree. Hektor is not indispensable for Daivyn's well being. Their is already Nimue to further guide the youngster. Yes, he has a child on the way and he is indeed recovering. So what? He is a son of the House of Ahrmahk. Should duty so much as whisper, he would meet it even if he must crawl across broken glass.

I suspect that the KHVIIs would be absolutely devastating with an OWL assisted gunnery crew. Hektor would be the most appropriate for the role. Who else from the Inner Circle will go along? Who else from the Inner Circle is in the Gulf of Dohlar? How will the seijin get their messages to the admiral? Will their be sailing seijin accosting the fleet where ever it sails?

They need to send a connected individual with the KHVIIs. That would be Hektor. The duty would not be arduous and his connection to OWL would be invaluable. That battlewagon would be safer than anywhere else short of Nimue's cave. Especially with someone who can connect to the SNARCs.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #7
Post by n7axw   » Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:48 pm

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Hi PeterZ,

The question is not shirking duty. It is where duty currently lies.

I was thinking less about Daivyn than I was about Hektor's current role as Irys' consort helping provide the glue that holds Corisande to the Empire. It is only a symbol, but sometimes symbols are important.

I rather strongly suspect that Hektor will want to be back in the saddle as a navy officer and that wish will be granted. My point was not right away.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #7
Post by saber964   » Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:07 pm


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They could also make Admiral Sarmouth an area commander under Admiral Anvil Rock. Their AOR could be the west coast of Howard to the Barren Lands. That would keep Hektor close by and still serve in the ICN.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #7
Post by PeterZ   » Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:52 pm

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n7axw wrote:Hi PeterZ,

The question is not shirking duty. It is where duty currently lies.

I was thinking less about Daivyn than I was about Hektor's current role as Irys' consort helping provide the glue that holds Corisande to the Empire. It is only a symbol, but sometimes symbols are important.

I rather strongly suspect that Hektor will want to be back in the saddle as a navy officer and that wish will be granted. My point was not right away.



The young man gave his life for the Princess already. All of Corisande knows that and already admires that gift freely given. God in His infinite wisdom and grace has given back Hektor's life. No one in Corisande will misconstrue Hektor's commitment to duty as a commitment to accomplishing God's task for the House of Ahrmahk. Hektor will be seen as one touched by God wielding the Ahrmahk's mightiest weapon in the service of God.

No, Don. It is his greatest duty is to ensure that the KHVIIs will be as devastating and indestructible as humanly possible. The greater the perceived power of those ships the sooner the war in Dohlar ends and the fewer lives lost.

That's my read anyway.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #7
Post by 6L6   » Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:56 pm


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I also think Hektor should be posted to the KHvii. I hope Merlin can slip him away to the cave to get his arm worked on.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #7
Post by n7axw   » Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:05 pm

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PeterZ wrote:
n7axw wrote:Hi PeterZ,

The question is not shirking duty. It is where duty currently lies.

I was thinking less about Daivyn than I was about Hektor's current role as Irys' consort helping provide the glue that holds Corisande to the Empire. It is only a symbol, but sometimes symbols are important.

I rather strongly suspect that Hektor will want to be back in the saddle as a navy officer and that wish will be granted. My point was not right away.



The young man gave his life for the Princess already. All of Corisande knows that and already admires that gift freely given. God in His infinite wisdom and grace has given back Hektor's life. No one in Corisande will misconstrue Hektor's commitment to duty as a commitment to accomplishing God's task for the House of Ahrmahk. Hektor will be seen as one touched by God wielding the Ahrmahk's mightiest weapon in the service of God.

No, Don. It is his greatest duty is to ensure that the KHVIIs will be as devastating and indestructible as humanly possible. The greater the perceived power of those ships the sooner the war in Dohlar ends and the fewer lives lost.

That's my read anyway.

Hi PeterZ,

I'm not backing off my point of view. But that being said, you could be right. We will have to wait and see how RFC works it out.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #7
Post by PeterZ   » Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:43 am

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I know you believe Dohlar will keep its royal family, Lyonheart. I wonder if that is the best choice from the allies POV?

I guess I am thinking in terms of punishment/consequences. If the mainlanders believe that losing to Charis doesn't involve serious pain, why quit the jihad? Charis won't be unreasonable in their victory and the CoGA will be unreasonably vicious against those that do quit. What incentive will there be for current monarchs to capitulate?

I would think that because of Rahnahld's treatment of POWs, the allies can use Dohlar as the BMF stick to emphasize their historic reasonableness. Either kill or remove Rahnahld from the throne. Place someone on it that can keep the nation from dissolving into a Somalia-esque morass of brigandage. Choose a replacement with that doesn't have strong support with the jihadis. Screw most other considerations beyond allowing Dohlar to thrive under the new leadership.

Let the mainlanders know that if you tick off Charis enough, the consequences of doing so will be dire to the ruling family/dynasty. Ticking off Charis means that one or more KHVIIs will come a knocking and flatten your nation's port cities with complete impunity. Charis will foster rebellion in your nation and support some faction that can and will oust the ruling dynasty. To avoid ticking them off to that point, quit before the CoGA forces you to do something Charis will make you regret.

For any of this to work, Charis needs to administer a clean sweep of Dohlar's current government and replace it with Thirsk. Ahlvarez is to connected to the old guard. I am sure he can work with Thirsk, but that choice has to be Thirsk's. Thirsk won't like being put in that position, but the alternative to accepting leadership of his nation is to watch it turn into a morass of brigands and pirates that he will have to try and clean up anyway.

lyonheart wrote:Hi Don,

Excellent point!

That's assuming King Rahnyld IV remembers, because I'm not sure Duke Fern will remind him. :D

Even if he does, I don't think Rahnyld's security is anywhere as good as Cayleb's, Nahrmahn's or Gorjah's; so how long he survives after he sues for peace, whether hours or days then becomes the question; then which of his sons or grandsons is suitable to be king during these perilous times.

Re: HFQ Official Snippet #7
Post by DrakBibliophile   » Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:16 pm


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One thing about "replacing the royal family" that we should keep in mind is that successful "replacements" usually involve some "linkage" with the old royal family.

While Prince Nahrmahn's family successful replaced the old "royal family", his father also established a link with the old family by arranging his marriage to Ohlyvya who was related to the old family.

What links does Thirsk have with the current Dohlar Royal Family? Why would the other Nobility accept "his right" to the throne?

Charis won't use the tactics of the late Prince Hektor used in Zebediah where he not only killed off the old ruling family but kept a strong military presence there to ensure Hektor's puppet remained "in power".

PeterZ wrote:I know you believe Dohlar will keep its royal family, Lyonheart. I wonder if that is the best choice from the allies POV?

I guess I am thinking in terms of punishment/consequences. If the mainlanders believe that losing to Charis doesn't involve serious pain, why quit the jihad? Charis won't be unreasonable in their victory and the CoGA will be unreasonably vicious against those that do quit. What incentive will there be for current monarchs to capitulate?

I would think that because of Rahnahld's treatment of POWs, the allies can use Dohlar as the BMF stick to emphasize their historic reasonableness. Either kill or remove Rahnahld from the throne. Place someone on it that can keep the nation from dissolving into a Somalia-esque morass of brigandage. Choose a replacement with that doesn't have strong support with the jihadis. Screw most other considerations beyond allowing Dohlar to thrive under the new leadership.

Let the mainlanders know that if you tick off Charis enough, the consequences of doing so will be dire to the ruling family/dynasty. Ticking off Charis means that one or more KHVIIs will come a knocking and flatten your nation's port cities with complete impunity. Charis will foster rebellion in your nation and support some faction that can and will oust the ruling dynasty. To avoid ticking them off to that point, quit before the CoGA forces you to do something Charis will make you regret.

For any of this to work, Charis needs to administer a clean sweep of Dohlar's current government and replace it with Thirsk. Ahlvarez is to connected to the old guard. I am sure he can work with Thirsk, but that choice has to be Thirsk's. Thirsk won't like being put in that position, but the alternative to accepting leadership of his nation is to watch it turn into a morass of brigands and pirates that he will have to try and clean up anyway.

Paul Howard (Alias Drak Bibliophile)
Sometimes The Dragon Wins! [Polite Dragon Smile]
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #7
Post by PeterZ   » Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:30 pm

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That's part of what I am trying to get at, Drak. If Charis threatens the powers that be with losing power as a consequence to supporting the Inquisition's bloodthirstiness, they will look to secure their power just in case Charis wins. They would likely either surrender more quickly or not prosecute the war as vigorously.

If Charis puts Thirsk on the Throne or better yet conducts a plebiscite with a few select names for the citizens of Dohlar to choose from with Thirsk as one of them. The aristocracy will be defanged and the replacement will have a different form of legitimacy but legitimacy none the less. Thirsk can deal with keeping the peace, but should he require assistance in squashing an aristo or two, I am sure Cayleb will accommodate him.

Two birds with one stone, eh? Threaten the old guard that ticks off Charis and introduce alternative political systems that are consistent with coexisting with Siddermark.

DrakBibliophile wrote:One thing about "replacing the royal family" that we should keep in mind is that successful "replacements" usually involve some "linkage" with the old royal family.

While Prince Nahrmahn's family successful replaced the old "royal family", his father also established a link with the old family by arranging his marriage to Ohlyvya who was related to the old family.

What links does Thirsk have with the current Dohlar Royal Family? Why would the other Nobility accept "his right" to the throne?

Charis won't use the tactics of the late Prince Hektor used in Zebediah where he not only killed off the old ruling family but kept a strong military presence there to ensure Hektor's puppet remained "in power".
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #7
Post by EdThomas   » Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:06 pm

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If Charis puts Thirsk on the Throne or better yet conducts a plebiscite with a few select names for the citizens of Dohlar to choose from with Thirsk as one of them. The aristocracy will be defanged and the replacement will have a different form of legitimacy but legitimacy none the less. Thirsk can deal with keeping the peace, but should he require assistance in squashing an aristo or two, I am sure Cayleb will accommodate him.

Two birds with one stone, eh? Threaten the old guard that ticks off Charis and introduce alternative political systems that are consistent with coexisting with Siddermark.

Hmmm, interesting suggestions.
A treaty or two between the two and you'd have an economic and military powerhouse. Each picking up a few pieces of the Border States and it gets even better. Might be too much too soon though. Zion's almost totally isolated except for Harchong. South Harchong might look at it as a chance to absorb the isolated Desnair. Does Dohlar have serfs?

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