Of course Irys' Marauders will need extensive training to be true dragoons. They are highly trained cavalry already and perfect for raiding the Dohlahran coast. Arm them with revolvers, attach mortars to the group and include trained infantry that can ride and you have excellent rear area marauders. They won't fight stand up battles. They ambush and fight only forces ill equipped to deal with them. Beyond that Irys' Own will destroy infrastructure and supplies forcing the RDA to disperse to protect its enormous coastline.
lyonheart wrote:Hi PeterZ, Don;
Guys, again its going to take awhile to train the Corisandans, and Windshare's cavalry are definitely not dragoons, so they'll take longer to even understand the concept, given how mindless most cavalry are.
Currently we have something near 360,000 ICA combat troops in theater, plus almost 400,000 RSA riflemen who should be able to deal with the MHoGatA sometime this summer, after they destroy the remnants of the AoG under Wyrshym and Kaitswyrth this month or the next; given how far south the Daivyn and Aivahstyn are [so winter is ending earlier], Symkyn should eliminate Kaitswyrth soon.
Then it will still take a couple of month's for the MHoGatA to reach the front, and who knows what the ICA may have by that time.