Donnachaidh wrote:You do realize that your argument in this section is basically "computers are so complex that it's hard for a small company to compete" right?
Then i think you missed something on reading.
Complex has nothing at ALL to do with it.
Donnachaidh wrote:The fact is it's fairly easy to get the parts and chips. The hard part is the soldering due to the size of the chips. You can quickly and relatively inexpensively get a small number of custom circuit boards too. The challenge is that most components are surface mount, not through-hole which means it's difficult to hand solder them.
That´s part of the problem, but it´s still nowhere near the primary reason for not doing it commercially.
2 sides of it, software and hardware.
Nowadays, either you make the hardware be compatible with one of the major software types, or it almost certainly wont sell. And unlike when Apple started, trying to write your own software today for a brand new computer? Uh, not realistic no.
Linux is the (relatively) easy choice to be compatible with... Except that then you also compete with the whole regular PC market.
And there the true problem comes into play, it´s (almost?) impossible to piece together hardware that has an edge, the selling point that makes it worth choosing over a regular PC or a "common" mid or highend specialised system. Because competing with those on pricing is just not going to happen.
And that´s actually before even taking into account the problem that is hyper cheap imports.
I know someone who built his own miniature super computer in his closet in the early 90s, doing the same today? Easy, and much cheaper.
But buying already existing PC parts is going to get you more performance for the same money, and drastically more performance for the same TIME spent.
Just can´t beat massproduction without a very good reason, and when much of the massproduction is done in low cost countries, you´re just so far from commercially viable that it´s not even funny.
Just over the few years my brother did it commercially in the late 80s, he noticed this trend clearly, one of the reasons he dropped it, just those few years had reduced margins far too much.