Henry Brown wrote:I see that it is in Raleigh NC. I live in Greenville NC. So even if I have to work Friday, I can drive up early on Saturday (about a 90 min trip by car). I have never been to a Con before, so I am not sure of the protocol. Do I have to reserve events in advance? Or can I just drive up that day and enter whatever event strikes my fancy?
Although the Raleigh con will probably be bigger than last year, Honorcon, being a single author focused con is actually quite a small con. I'm not sure what the planners are expecting, but the hotel has 240 rooms blocked, so figure ~500 in the hotel for the weekend, plus 50-100 walk-ins like you.
What this means re your question is that you are probably fine just walking in, registering, orienting on a hotel map, and walking to/getting a nominal reservation for any forums & events that catch your fancy on-the-spot.
At a larger, long history, pan-genre SF Con, up in the 4000+ expected attendee range, you would generally want at least advanced registration for the con itself, for badge/credentials; and probably advanced registration if available for your top 3-4-5 "hot ticket" panels/forums. Especially things like, "Lunch with <author's name here>, seating 100", etc.
I still encourage you to go to the Honorcon website,
www.honorcon.organd pre-register.
You might even still get a break on the con membership, and maybe some membership goodies that won't be available on-the-spot.
Also you can scan the website and get an idea of the kind of things that will go on. Hint: plan on attending a couple of "David's on the panel" events. He knows how to work a room...and he drops hints! Also, the Bu9 presentations are very good in terms of "How the Honorverse really works...and why your super LAC will not!" sorts of briefings.
Finally, if you find late one night that it has become 3 AM somehow and you don't really want to drive home, I am PM'ing you my cell number. At the moment (subject to change) I have a single, and therefore crash space.