I think folks are getting hung up on term DN'P. The correct term should simply be capital waller.
Currently defensive systems are far behind their offensive counterparts. I think everyone agrees on this point?
What to do about it is the question.
In Summation, since many can't seem to read my previous posts which initially stirred this brew-ha-ha and wish to make up their own beliefs about what is being discussed in at least my portion of this thread; The
5-6MT number, depending on calculated assumptions IS, I repeat, IS,
for all of you fumblefingers who can't read at least 3 different posts,
an INVICTUS minus a pod core. A true, DN'P would obviously be larger than this figure.

One still needs SOME, protected pod core. How much has been my DRIVING question in comparison to its defensive suites.
If you guys want to keep moving the goalposts by stating a DN will have fewer active defenses than an SD as I setforth in my initial post regarding #CM tubes/PDLC's in this new design compared to a true SD'P, then go ahead. Go shadow box with your own shadow. Enjoy.
Something that I assume most realize(it has been alluded to in ART), but then again, I bet most have not even thought of: One of the driving factors determining new ship design is wedge fratricide. So, for those who have not thought about it:
MDM/CM's supposedly have roughly 10km wide wedges. Per Pearl. Old pearl. Though even changing this to 1km, one still has massive issues. Anyways: Invictus has roughly 200 tubes presently firing every 8s(100 per aspect in crude terms). An observant reader might have picked up on the VERY simple fact that an SD is all of 1.4km long?
Hmm which is larger, 10km times 100 missiles or 1.4km... 1 guess, no take-backs now

Initial velocity is what again? 100*wedgewidth/v0*8 = spacing. Those CM's are nose to ass even under the most optimistic assumptions in an Invictus design. There is effectively NO room for expansion of CM tubes.
For those who can do preschool math(I quite often cannot, so do not feel too bad), it does not take a genius to figure out that a ship, can only fire off 'X' number of missiles before they run into each other.
This 'X' number will set the UPPER limit for possible active defenses
PER ship, no matter which class. At this point it becomes rather simplistic, to even dumbos like me, that further increasing a ships offensive capabilities without increasing a ships defensive capabilities is rather stupid and ineffective.
Currently a ships offensive capabilities are enormous while their defensive capabilities rather parsimonious.
MWW has stated rather emphatically, that his universe will not build ships that are imbalanced and historically, steadfastly, shot down any defensive only, offensive only, ships. Don't know about you, but we have essentially already breached those universe rules as FTL APOLLO TRACTORED POD SDP is effectively nearly a 100% offensive unit while LAC's have turned effectively into dedicated defensive units.
So, looking for wiggle room to get back to balanced ships in MWW universe. Also, note CM pods are a gigantic no go zone as well. Where does that leave us second rate, over the hill, whining arm chair admirals?

Dare I say, more numerous, smaller capital ships? Bigger is not always better?