Since no one seems able to read
past a maximum of 2 sentences, let me limit this conversation to 2 per.
There is no reason a DN and SD are not the exact same diameter. Arbitrarily equating tonnage to passive armor depth is ludicrous.
Shorten the length. Cut total offensive missile loadout.
My 6Mton, if you could read, seems at least one if not more cannot, was an Invictus
without any offensive missile load out. Not a full on new DN design.
Relax was kind enough to properly set me down/snidely quip that
I cannot do simple math and showed that an Invicuts without pod ammo loadout is roughly 5Mtons not the 6 that I stated! Some on this board think a pod is around 1/3 more mass than he stated. I happen to fall more closely into his camp for pod tonnage.
Let me spell it out. That is roughly a 5Mton ship with all Keyholes, defensive systems, CM totals, PDLC's, impellers, passive armor scheme, sidewall generators etc for an Invictus minus PODS LOAD for dingle-berries who cannot read.
Right now, there is no defensive system to combat Apollo. Lorelie doesn't count.
Stealthed FTL RD's effectively destroy Lorelie. It is at best a short time gimmick that only a gullible 12 year old would believe.
Any dumb ass human, and computers are not dumb asses, can do simple acceleration plots in their head and figure out that squadron-x cannot get to said Lorelie position and therefore is nothing but a joke of a ghost in 10s. 10s just happens to be about max distance for Apollo currently for 2 way FTL communications.
Of course we also have to assume said missiles decide to take a nap for 5s as well on final approach...

But for S&G's lets assume they do.
At least the above is slightly plausible. Of course said Apollo control missile is ALSO checking the mail of new information from the FTL RD's as they approach each other so, plausibility vanishes into hopeless laughter.
We know ships cannot accelerate off longitudinal axis very much. Lets assume for half a second they could with no time taken to rotate to new heading etc.
Neither assumption is true, but here goes:
500g@10s achieves a distance of: 250km.
What is an SD's wedge again? 300km + 150km separation minimum or 450km.
Lorelie is a sad bad joke even with RD's/missiles who take 10 or 5s power naps. Sounds really cute until one adds Stealthed FTL RD's + a tinny amount of brain power.
Having 1500 pods in a ship is a complete waste of valuable resources that all get blown up after the first couple waves of alpha strike missiles. Due to tractored pods allowing ships to effectively SHOOT OFF THEIR ENTIRE POD LOAD before firing a single CM it is beyond pointless!
There is no viable Super Dreadnaught design currently. Nor, even as Relax coined, a Super Duper Dreadnaught design.
Either a capital ship can withstand capital grade laser hits or it cannot. If it cannot, it is not a capital ship.
Either a capital ship can withstand alpha strike from 10's of thousands of capital missiles or it cannot. Currently they cannot.
Currently there is no viable capital ship design as it can only withstand half of its offensive capability. Its missile laser head power half of the equation while failing miserably at the alpha strike part.
When a capital ship squadron can withstand an alpha strike, then and only then will anyone in BuShips bother to contemplate super long drawn out combat. ALA, SD designs leading up to and contemporary of the 1st Havenite war.
Next wave of capital ships will be DN's. Once they create a defensive system able to withstand alpha strike, a super dreadnaught design will appear once again.