Hutch wrote:crewdude48 wrote: One minor nit that is kind of a pet peeve of mine. Putting (sic) after a word does not mean that you might have misspelled it. It is either part of the Latin phrase, "sic erat scriptum," meaning " thus was it written," or it is an abbreviation of "spelling in context," depending on who you ask. Either way, it means that you are quoting somebody else's text, and are transcribing it exactly as they wrote it, including any misspellings.
If you are not sure of spelling in something you are creating you can either follow it with (sp?) to mark questionable spelling, or you could open a new tab in your web browser and Google it. A quick search of "Giancoloa Honorverse" automatically showed results for "Giancola Honorverse."
Well, I learned something today--never knew that, and with all the reading I do....
I'll either use the (sp?) or just leave it wrong for the grammer Nazis to find...
Thanks, crewdude.
You know, that's bugged me for years.... Thanks!