I was actually expecting something a lot worse when i read the topic title
That said whilst i hadn't actually pictured the Honor we know and love as looking much different in age than Weber said, (the text always seemed to hint subtly at the old ugly duckling syndrome even back in basilisk), i wouldn't point out that both Honor, and later Elizabeth have remarked, even now years later when they no longer have self image issue's, about their "flat chestednss" in those days. And a fair thought on your own days at that age should throw up more than a few examples of girls, and boy's, who where late starting their development, usually in the case of having their growth spurt first, though i saw the opposite and i did and have since seen the extreme of a 16 year old who's barely begun to develop an adult figure and hasn't hit their growth spurt. I've also got a niece who's the exact opposite having virtually finished both at a very young age.
So whilst Weber, (quite naturally), has a major and very important point to make, that doesn't mean there isn't some validity to the OP, whilst they're virtually certain to "grow out of it" by the time they reach command rank, their is the possibility that individuals still being subjected to hormones could be serving officer's, might even be surprisingly common.
However i don't see a danger, the RMN and others have stringent appraisal procedures. If an officer is being affected by such an issue and it is affecting their judgment, their record and assignments would reflect this. Your not going to see a highly unpredictable individual put in a critical position, you just might see a greater tolerance of such things where there's a valid medical explanation for such. Indeed the serious cases would be weeded out in the initial pre-acceptance exams.
Basically it may be an issue in the sense the RMN needs to take account of it in appraisals and recruitment, but their will be procedures in place to handle it. Besides, 20 somethings are rarely known for excellent judgment IRL as traffic accident rates show, so it's not much more of an issue than it would be without prolong.