n7axw wrote:There is a case in Swallow with a 27 year SLM vet connected with the Allenbys who provided training to the resistance which was a lot better than than the opposition lined up with the system government. We don't have any word on how that turned out.
A not so minor nit. He was a honorably discharged, retired vet who satisfactorily completed his service. He then returned home to use what he had learned to help his people.
MarkAustin wrote:Widening the topic slightly, how long is it going to be before OFS/SL starts seeing significant defections of Verge personnel. Firebrand states in one of the books that he only joined up with OFS because it was the only game in town, and Thandi Palane joined the SL Marines as the way out of poverty. It's stated in one of the books that the SL Marines have a significant proportion of Verge recruits. How long before some of these elements start peeling off either to Manticore or to local independence movements?
While I don't see large scale desertions taking place from any single unit, I do believe that there will be at least some individuals who manage to plan and execute a return to their home planet. Some will be deserters, but some will be those who complete their enlistment. Most of these will be people that do believe in their home system or are still involved with their families. When I believe the SLN/SLM will start having problems is when systems start aligning themselves with Manticore and telling the SL to get lost. At that time, really stupid commanders will manage to severely upset their men (by over-reacting), the adequate will keep them in line but still cause unrest and the good ones will let the ones that want to go, go and the ones who want to stay, stay. Eventually, most Verge and protectorate worlds will build up a cadre of trained fighters for use if needed.
Since OFS prefers criminally inclined individuals, they wont have much of a desertion problem. They might have a problem with a sever depletion of numbers, but that will be because as the stories about Manticore's intervention spread, OFS will lose it's biggest protection: fear. Once people are no longer afraid of the SLN showing up to help OFS maintain control, the thugs and bullies they use might just start seeing some midnight justice.