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How much Technology was Stolen

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Re: Honorverse series, the future..?
Post by Crown Loyalist   » Tue May 06, 2014 5:41 pm

Crown Loyalist

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Jonathan_S wrote:Or alternatively had them in closer parking orbits. (Since he presumably had good plot reasons for that level of damage)

I think it was mostly so that White Haven could complain about Honor never bringing a ship home in one piece. ;)
Re: Honorverse series, the future..?
Post by KNick   » Wed May 07, 2014 6:37 pm


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Jonathan_S wrote:
namelessfly wrote:If Weber had done the math, he might not have described the explosion as so damaging to surrounding ships?
Or alternatively had them in closer parking orbits. (Since he presumably had good plot reasons for that level of damage)

Allowing for wedge size, 600km is about as close as even BCs can get in a parking orbit and still bring up their wedge at need. Otherwise , they would have to bring up their wedges one at a time and move out of orbit separately.

Try to take a fisherman's fish and you will be tomorrows bait!!!
Re: Honorverse series, the future..?
Post by MaxxQ   » Wed May 07, 2014 7:12 pm


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KNick wrote:Allowing for wedge size, 600km is about as close as even BCs can get in a parking orbit and still bring up their wedge at need. Otherwise , they would have to bring up their wedges one at a time and move out of orbit separately.

Nahh, they could get them closer if they wanted. An SD wedge is 300km wide. allowing a 200% clearance, then yeah, 600km is reasonable. BC wedges are smaller (a Star Knight wedge is 120-130km across, so figure the BC wedge would fall somewhere between that and an SD wedge), call it around 180-200km. So BCs *could* be as close as 360-400km from each other.

Whether they actually do that or not is another matter.
Re: How much Technology was Stolen
Post by smr   » Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:03 pm

Vice Admiral

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What is one of the first actions that soldiers do after a battle?

1) conduct SAR operations
2) search for valuable intelligence and technology

Some people are making assumptions that the ship was totally destroyed and I agree with that statement. It does not mean that no valuable technology, intelligence, or technical manuals survived. Admiral Bing probably would have ordered the intelligence to search the wrecks. Any intelligence officer with half a brain would have scavenged the wrecks for valuable intelligence, data, and technology. They would have been filming everything within the wreckage. Just because Admiral Bing is an idiot does not mean he was a moron! (big difference!)
Re: How much Technology was Stolen
Post by Weird Harold   » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:10 pm

Weird Harold
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smr wrote:Any intelligence officer with half a brain ...

We ARE talking about the SLN here. At the point Commodore Chatterji's ships were destroyed, no Solarian would admit that there was anything to be learned from the wreckage.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: How much Technology was Stolen
Post by ZVar   » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:27 pm

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OK, it first I always thought the three DD's were 100% total loss due to their fusion bottles but I got to thinking that the shear amount of power poured into the DD's might mean some pieces remained.

With that many graser hits, and with no one at battle stations and more importantly all the environment compartments fully pressurized, the shear power of the hits could have caused enough transfer energy to throw debris out the other side of the ship before the fusion bottle let go. If the debris was just the right (or wrong) components, like a single computer, the momentum might have thrown it far enough away that it was out of range when the fusion bottles let loose and destroyed the ship.
That would mean it would have to be tracked and picked up to be of use before it was destroyed by lack of particle shielding. And with the space station just blown up, everyone was a bit busy to track something that small.

That being said I still think the DD's were 100% destroyed when all those grasers hit.

Re: How much Technology was Stolen
Post by Tenshinai   » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:30 pm


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Weird Harold wrote:
smr wrote:Any intelligence officer with half a brain ...

We ARE talking about the SLN here. At the point Commodore Chatterji's ships were destroyed, no Solarian would admit that there was anything to be learned from the wreckage.

And as has already been repeated ad nauseam, with the kind of firepower employed against completely unprotected ships, AND the Manty tech anti-theft abilities(which due to a certain war had evolved a LOT to avoid giving any freebies to Haven), there´s probably zero to find anyway.
Re: How much Technology was Stolen
Post by n7axw   » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:36 pm

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Weird Harold wrote:
smr wrote:Any intelligence officer with half a brain ...

We ARE talking about the SLN here. At the point Commodore Chatterji's ships were destroyed, no Solarian would admit that there was anything to be learned from the wreckage.

There is textev that someone, Daud, I think it was, made the comment that no one should trust Byng with any task more complex than robbing a candy store.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: How much Technology was Stolen
Post by kzt   » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:47 pm

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n7axw wrote:There is textev that someone, Daud, I think it was, made the comment that no one should trust Byng with any task more complex than robbing a candy store.

SAR and intel gathering isn't something that exactly requires the personal attention of the an admiral. And given that the RHN did a bunch of reverse engineering of RMN systems obtained in various ways, I tend to doubt that studying them will not help you learn how they work.

And yeah, things close to the hypocenter of very large nuclear explosions have survived fairly intact.
Re: How much Technology was Stolen
Post by Weird Harold   » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:54 pm

Weird Harold
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n7axw wrote:There is textev that someone, Daud, I think it was, made the comment that no one should trust Byng with any task more complex than robbing a candy store.

I think that's probably giving Byng too much credit. Mugging babies for lollipops was more his level of competence. :shock:

Tenshinai wrote:And as has already been repeated ad nauseam, with the kind of firepower employed against completely unprotected ships, AND the Manty tech anti-theft abilities(which due to a certain war had evolved a LOT to avoid giving any freebies to Haven), there´s probably zero to find anyway.

I'm sure there would have been some plot armor over something interesting, but it doesn't make any difference if nobody looks.

When Adm Gold Peak arrived, there were only four destroyers than had moved from the positions when Chatterji was destroyed. She assumed they moved to do SAR, but as noted above, the space station was also in need of some SAR work.

There is a very remote chance that something interesting was found AND shipped back to Meyers or Sol before Adm Sigbee surrendered. There's also a remote chance of surviving a dive into a shark feeding frenzy in mid-Pacific and swimming to California. I wouldn't bet someone else's money on either proposition though.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)

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