Michael Everett wrote:Finally picked up the newest book.
Although I'm quite impressed, I must point out that the scene with the crossbreed Lemurian/Humans was quite jarring as biology doesn't work that way!
Note that I have nothing against the concept of consenting sentients in a relationship, it's the flaunting of the basic rules of biology (DNA etc) that irks me.
At least with Star Trek, they pulled an "Ancient Astronaut" combined with "Meddling God-like Beings" to explain why humans could interbreed with beings from other planets. Destroyermen has yet to offer any idea as to how two individuals from widely differing branches of the mammalian family could produce viable offspring.
Other than that, great series (although not quite up to Weber standards).
On, and the Destroyermen TVTropes page can be found here.
That was one of the things that; as you say, irked me about Star Trek, the interspecies offspring. I mean it was just taken as a norm, without any explanation. Anyone ( with the exception of Dr. Moreau!) with a basic knowledge would know can’t breed across species.
As for the Destroyermen.
I’m waiting with bated breath, how The Great Wizzard Bernford is going to explain it, without knowledge of DNA at that?