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Will Raul have a broader treecat communication spectrum?

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Re: Will Raul have a broader treecat communication spectrum?
Post by hanuman   » Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:33 am

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roseandheather wrote:
runsforcelery wrote:
Whether or not this will have any effect on Raoul is, of course, something about which I know nothing. Nothing! :roll: :twisted:

Mmhmm. Just like you know nothing about what the dastardly Mesans are up to, or the plots Elizabeth and Eloise are weaving, or how Augustus and Estelle are going to wind up feeling about each other, or... whoops, did I say that last one out loud? :mrgreen: :lol: 8-)

If anyone here buys that, I've got a bridge for ya. Great view of Brooklyn.

Just a general warning...beware of the trolls!
Re: Will Raul have a broader treecat communication spectrum?
Post by George J. Smith   » Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:47 am

George J. Smith

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Whether or not this will have any effect on Raoul is, of course, something about which I know nothing. Nothing! :roll: :twisted:[/quote]

Funny I always thought RFC was American not Spanish, and definitely not from Barcelona :lol: :mrgreen:


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Re: Will Raul have a broader treecat communication spectrum?
Post by AJKohler   » Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:31 am

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robert132 wrote:It's simple, RFC planned on killing off Honor until that Havenite wildcard Victor Cachet dropped a rock into the pool of his well laid plans, right RFC? :lol:

Then he had to pick up the left over pieces and recreate his storyline. I'm sure Cachet didn't mean anything by it, but he has a tendency toward causing chaos. ;)

Frankly I glad it didn't happen. Series tend not to survive long after THE principal character gets offed. Just ask Alexander Kent (Douglas Reeman) how long his Bolitho series lasted after he killed off the Admiral and tried to make the nephew Adam the new principal as an example.

To be honest, IMHO he shouldn't have tried. He had already taken the series about as far as it would reasonably go. He should simply have retired the Admiral to the old family home near Falmouth and ended the series.

I was always disappointed by that. Richard and Catherine both deserved better. The scene in which Adam returns to the house and finds she has left is tragic. But I never mustered the interest in keeping up with Adam that I had for Richard.
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Re: Will Raul have a broader treecat communication spectrum?
Post by Hutch   » Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:47 am

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runsforcelery wrote: Honor and Hamish are the only instance in which both parents have been adopted by mated treecats, and Samantha is only the second memory singer ever to adopt. She is also the only active memory singer to have adopted. The previous memory singer in question had ceased to be a memory singer for reasons which will become clear if I ever get around to writing the story.

Whether or not this will have any effect on Raoul is, of course, something about which I know nothing. Nothing! :roll: :twisted:

Why does the name Kit Kinnison keep popping into my head everytime I read this....
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Re: Will Raul have a broader treecat communication spectrum?
Post by KNick   » Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:42 pm


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roseandheather wrote:<<SNIP>>
If anyone here buys that, I've got a bridge for ya. Great view of Brooklyn.

As long as you can show me a legitimate, Clear title, I might be interested. If the price is right. And if I can get rid of those pesky trolls. And you pay the first two years painting costs.

Try to take a fisherman's fish and you will be tomorrows bait!!!
Re: Will Raul have a broader treecat communication spectrum?
Post by Senior Chief   » Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:56 am

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robert132 wrote:[quote="roseandheather
Frankly I glad it didn't happen. Series tend not to survive long after THE principal character gets offed. Just ask Alexander Kent (Douglas Reeman) how long his Bolitho series lasted after he killed off the Admiral and tried to make the nephew Adam the new principal as an example.

To be honest, IMHO he shouldn't have tried. He had already taken the series about as far as it would reasonably go. He should simply have retired the Admiral to the old family home near Falmouth and ended the series.

I totally agree I am a big fan of the Bolitho series and when the Admiral died.... Adam's story did not hold my interest as much sorry to say.

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