hanuman wrote:cthia wrote:
I yield the 'master of creativity' to you, Yow. Since my use of it was governed by "necessity", which is the mother of invention. I have 5 brothers and 5 sisters. 6 boys 5 girls and with stats like that in a family, you have to be able to verbally defend yourself. We are a very close knit family and it made for loads of laughter.
Good Goddess, no wonder you're an addict...it's genetic!!!
Of course it's genetic. Native American prowess. Teepees were natural viagra. Have you never camped out in a tent, especially on the beach?
GrrrrrWhy do you think nature just so has it that little boys discover, much to their embarrassment, natural teepees made under the covers.

But to be totally fair to my father, my mother was smoking hot! As are my sisters and nieces. I grew up hearing "Your mom is so hot!" As a very young kid it always irked me!
And they both wanted a large family. My mom says she wanted one girl and many boys that looked like their father. My father wanted one boy and many girls that looked like their mother. They got both.