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Civilian People and Groups - post 1 Sharona

"Hell's Gate" and "Hell Hath No Fury", by David, Linda Evans, and Joelle Presby, take the clash of science and magic to a whole new dimension...join us in a friendly discussion of this engrossing series!
Civilian People and Groups - post 1 Sharona
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:02 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

c2006, 2007, David Weber & Janet Evans
c2016, David Weber & Joelle Presby
All data theirs; alll errrors mmine.
R3H =
Code indicating appears or is mentioned in book 3,
The Road To Hell.
CONCLAVE: Assembly of all governments on Sharona
and its Outworlds. Policymaking body for all Sharona.
....... R3H ........
TERNATH Government:
Calirath Court and Government
Hawkwing Palace, Estafel, Ternath
Prior Emperors given:
Erthain the Great: Founder; semi-legendary
Celaryan II: made Treaty With Farnalia, 203 Ternath Year
HALILAN: defended a Bolakini city (Not in Glossary)
Wailyana I: built Temple Of St. Taiyr in Tajvana, 3016
(in Glossary entry for St Taiyr Temple only)
Wailyana II: "the Great" ruled 4172-4207
(in Glossary as "Empress W II")
Gariyan VI: began Withdrawal From East
Gariyan VII, (son of VI): withdrew from Tajvana
(also see "Emperor Daerha Boulevard" in Tajvana;
no other data on this name found)
(also see "Emperor Edvar Mountains" [Glossary]
. and Emperor Garim Chancellery [HG 796])
ZINDEL chan Calirath: Emperor & Duke of Ternathia,
Warlord of the West, Protector of the Peach,
Wing-Crowned, also a Grand Duke of Farnalia
......... R3H ..........
Varena Calirath, Empress-Consort .. R3H ..
Janaki chan Calirath, Crown Prince, R3H ..
...Platoon-Captain in Ternath Marines
...eldest child & only son
ANDRIN Calirath, Princess, eldest daughter R3H..
Razial Calirath, Princess, middle daughter
Ambessa Calirath, Princess, youngest daughter
(an "Aunt Reza" is mentioned, HG p373, not Glossary)
Alazon Yanamar, Privy Voice .. R3H ..
Ulantha Jastyr, Assistant PV ..R3H..
Merissa Vankhal, Protocol Instuctor, ..R3H..
...Chief Lady-In-Waiting to Princess Andrin
Sathee Balithar, maid to Princess Andrin
"Miss Balthar" ladysmaid to Ps Andrin ..R3H..
(why do I think that DW&JP need a clerk?) :)
Relatha Kindare, household servant, talented Healer, maid to Princess Andrin
... (father: footman to Privy Council)
... (mother: maid to [one of] Andrin's grandmothers)
... (mother: untrained Talented Healer)
Lazima chan Zindico, senior bodyguard, Prs Andrin .R3H.
Brahndys chan Gordahl, bodyguard to Princess Andrin
Ulthar chan Habikon, bodyguard to Princess Andrin
Gayrzal Malthayr, art instructor to Pincess Razial
Shamir Taje, First Councilor .. R3H ..
Ekthar Shilvass, Treasury Councilor
Brithum Dulan, Internal Affairs Councilor ..R3H..
Nanthee Silbeth, Education Councilor
Chalyar chan Gristhane, Army Councilor
..Captain of the Army
first seen in R3H
xxxx Yamen, financial insights
Mancy Fornath, 45th Earl of Ilforth, 51st Baron Fornath
...Speaker of the House of Lords
Other nobles alluded to:
Dorzon & Charazan Baskay's father is an Earl,
.. with a seat in the House of Lords.
Braiheri Futhai's grandfather is a Duke.
Other Monarchies and Goverments:
Emperor Chava (the ninth) Busar ..R3H..
three (3) Sons, Daughters, other relatives
... in R3H he has 5 unmarried sons ...
Sunlords, Windlords, other nobles
(for an Overlord with many agents,
Chava does much work in person!)
Rihva, a Court Page
Emperor Ronnel the sixteenth Karone
Dowager Empress (unnamed) is at Tajvana Conclave,
...but not in Glossary
King Fyysel
Crown Prince Danith Fyysel
(some daughters referred to in text)
Dalisar Tharsayl, court official
..sent by King Fyysel to assist Kolmayrs
Parliamentary Representatives include:
Halidar Kinshe
Shurkhali subjects include:
Thaminar Kolmayr, a herdsman R3H
Shalassar Kolmayr-Brintal, his wife R3H
..a Talented Ambassador to Cetaceans
Shaylar Nargra-Kolmayr, their daughter, a Voice R3H
(several sons referred to in text)
King Junni Fai Yujin .. R3H ..
Crown Prince Howan Fai Goutin, not yet married .R3H.
... Munn Lii, bodyguard, Prince Howan ..R3H..
rulers of ten city-states on south shore of Mbisi Sea
Great Palace, Tajvana, Othmaliz
.contains Emperor Garim Chancellery, where Conclave meets
Seneschal of the Order of Bergahl
..his birthname is Fairlain Raynarg ..R3H..
Krithron Arthag, a Sept Chieftain (not in Glossary)
(Petty-Captain Hulmok A. is his fifth son)

Prince Yertahla, age 18 ..R3H..
Corporations and Authorities:
SPA = Sharona Portal Authority, HQ Tajvana
(governs the First Portal, and everything beyond it)
Board of Directors:
Orem Limania, First Director
Irthan Palben, Empire of Farnalia
Halidar Kinshe, Kingdom of Shurkhal
Djoser Anzeti, Arpathian Septentrion
Ordras Breasal, Kingdom of Isseth
Jagtha Karym, Lady, Kingdom of Limanthia
(other directors)
Chathee Haimas, Assistant to First Director
Yaf Umani, Head Voice
Samari Wilkon, Voice
..assigned to Kinshe during emergency
Chenrys Hordan, Hurkaym, Salym
Haliyar Narmayla, New Ramath, Salym
Josam chan Rakail, Ft. Tharkoma, Salym
an unnamed assistant voice, " , Salym
Jaerika Orma, Karys
Lamir Ilthyr, Thermyn
Erthik Vardan, Ft. Brithik, Thermyn
Agencies, Businesses, other Civilians:
Falgayn Harwal, Projective Voice
Chairmok Ula, Captain IMS Windtreader, a passenger liner
TTE = Trans Temporal Express .. R3H ..
(Sharona's railroad system to Outworlds)
.. HQ in Larakesh, within sight of the GATE.
{Arcana's version is
.... /Union Trans-Temporal Transit Authority (UTTTA)}
Gahlreen Taymish, First Director .. R3H ..
.. sometimes "Tyamish" in R3H.
Larakesh Station people in R3H :
Rinlin Torrash, Stationmaster, Larakesh Central Station
Fadar Shelthara, Assistant Freight Manager, LCS
.. a Shift FM. When on duty, 2nd in charge. New Farnalian.
Gorda Restmar, Shift FM, LCS
Ratatello Dolphar, day shift Chief Stevedore, LCS
Olvyr Banchu, Chief Construction Engineer - Uromathan
.. .. R3H ..
Foram chan Eris, construction engineer, Karys
Hersal Yoritam, Voice, construction crew, Karys
There is a Directorate Of Operations.
It has a Director Of Operations.
Yakhan Chusal, Senior Train Master
Hayrdar Sheltim, Train Master
..1st Brigade, 3rd Dragoon Division's train
Hardar Jalkanthi, Master Engineer - Garouoma, Narheth
Charak Tarku, Fireman - Arpathian
Irnay Tarka, Train Master, Karys - Eniathian
Freight Master
None shown. (It was Shaylar who noticed this Officer,
but she might have misidentified a Train Master.)
SUNN = Sharonian Universal News Network
... Headquarters in Tajvana
Jali Kavilkan, Executive Manager
Linar Wiltash, Kavailkan's private secretary
Tarlin Bolsh, Chief, International News Division
Nithan Dursh, a News Anchor (not in Glossary)
"Grandma" Sholli, Interviewer (not in Glossary)
Noriellena Drubeka, Correspondent, covering Uromatha
Gortho Sandrick, an expert in trans-temporal affairs
...retired from Portal Survey
Davir Perthis, Chief Voice
Darl Elivath, Senior Voice at SPA headquarters
Kylmos Trebar, Voice, paired with Drubeka.
Other "minor" news networks are mentioned.
VBS .. R3H
Krethva, VBS reporter
other reporters
locomotive foundry, supplies TTE
MAHKRIS Shipping Corporation
owns (among other things) a tall building in Tajvana
CHALGYN Consortium .. R3H ..
it has a Division of Mines & Mineral Extraction (DOMME)
it has Survey Crews including:
Ghartoum's half-crew (other half went to Nairsom?)
Ghartoum chan Hagrahyl, Crew Chief
Divis Erkol, clerk Ricathian
Fanthi chan Hiridi
Braiheri Futhai, naturalist (Ternath noble)
Falsam chan Salgmun
Barris Kasell Arpathian
Elevu Gitel, geologist
Levok Rilthan, gunsmith
Yorlahn Naldar, cook
Tymo Scleppis, Talented Healer
Darcel KINLAFIA Voice, Portal Hound .. R3H ..
..his father, Professor of Languages, Resiam U.
..his mother, Talented Healer
..both his parents, & three grandparents, also Mappers
FAIRNOS Consortium
(in Glossary, in Kersai's entry only, not by itself)
.. Surveyed the Failcham-Thermyn Portal
.. Employees include:
Syrail "Kersai" Targal, Geologist, Thermyn
. Raysith Targal, his wife, Thermyn
. Syrail Targal, Jr., their son, Thermyn
... an emerging voice,
.... they speak Tathewinan
Isseth-Liada Portal Exploration Company
.. Owned by Kingdom of Isseth
Settled in Outworlds
Baskay Family, Reysher
..including Charazan Baskay, teenage girl (see below)
Wives and Sisters = 7
Alimar Kinshe-Falis, Talented Healer
see above Halidar K, Parliament Rep., SPA Director
Misanya Geraith, Division-Captain's wife
see Arlos c. G, Third Dragoon D. TA
Chalendra Skrithik, Regiment-Captain's wife
see Rof c. S, Fort Salby PAAF
Charazan Baskay, noble's daughter, officer's sister
see Dorzon c. B, Viscount Simrath, Platoon-Captain
Jesmanar Jalkanthi-Ishar, wife
see above Hardar J, Master Engineer (driver), TTE
wife of Corps-Captain Fairlain c Rowlan, a Voice
sister of Davir Perthis, SUNN Chief Voice
.. has a son in the Outworlds
SHARONAN TALENTS mentioned in Text or Glossary
Voices - 25 mentioned. See list at bottom of thread.
Projective Voice - 1. Falgayn Harwal
Other Telepaths - many, including:
..Empress Varena Calirath
..Thanamir Kolmayr
.. Corps-Captain Fairlain Rowlan
Healer - at least 5
Lifter - (I found none)
Flicker - 4 See list at bottom of thread
Mapper - Jathmar Nargra, his parents, 3 grandparents.
Plotter - Harth Loumas
Sifter - Trekar chan Rothag
Tracer (aka Sniffer) Soral Hilovar
Whiffer - Nolis Parcanth
Distance Viewer - Wesiar chan Forcal
Calirath Talents: several, including
Howard T. Map-addict
Last edited by Howard T. Map-addict on Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:18 pm, edited 38 times in total.
Civilian People & Groups - post 2 Arcana
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:47 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

ARCANA civilians: people and groups
R2H data added begining 6/29/16.
Legendary Leaders: 1
Melwain the Great: "the Andaran King Arthur"
OLDERHAM family, Andaran nobility
Sir Thankhar O: Commander of 5000, retired AM
.Commander, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts, retired
.Duke of Garth Showma, Earl of Yar Khon, Baron Sarkhia
.Planetary Governor of New Arcana (per Glossary)
.Governor of High Hathak (per page 20 HG)
a previous O. Duke founded 2nd And Temp Scouts
intervening O. Dukes commanded them.
Sathmin O: Sir Thankhar's wife; Duchess of GarthShowma
JASEK O: their son, Commander of One Hundred,
.company commander in 2nd. And. Temp. Scouts
no other son, per page 653 HG
a daughter age 12, mentioned pages 169 & 200 HG
HALESAK family - Garthan
1 Father fled Mythal, at some time found co-parent,
.. then had 2 daughters and at least 1 son.
2 Iftar's other parent, presumably mother
..(but with Arcana's magical genetics,
.. anything not denied is possible!)
3 Arlis, married Therman Ulthar
4 Iftar's Second Sister, unnamed
5 Iftar H., married, one child (see "Officers" post)
6 unnamed wife of Iftar
7 unnamed daughter of Iftar and his wife.
Other people
A brother-in-law to Nith v&m Gurthak
Gurthak's third sister, married to above.
Talented Magic Users:
Magisters/Magistrons, Journeymen, Novices
Rayjhari Hansara, ancient Magistron - Ransaran
..devised Genetic Manipulation to enhance animals.
unnamed Andaran Scout, invented "Hummer system" which augmented hummingbirds carry messages.
Awards & Honors:
Vos Lipkin Prize: for major advance in magic use
Research & Training SCHOOLS OF MAGIC:
Mythal Falls Academy
no current members named
It has a Chancellor, Department Heads, a Faculty Senate
Garth Showma Institue
HALATHYN vos DULAINAN, Magister, Director
... a Mythalan Shakira
GADRIAL KELBRYAN, Magister, Second in Charge
... a Ransaran
Ransaran Academy of Fine Arts and Magic
Alma mater of Sathmin, the future Duchess Garth Showma.

Misarthi SKYNTARU, Speaker of Arcanan Union
Jukaru TUMNAU, Minster of Health - Garthan
Gerail vos DURGAZON, Minister of Industry - Shikiran

AWG groups:
Union Parliament
Union Senate
Union Arbitration Commision (UAC)
.. reports to Union Senate, or a Senate Committee
Rithmar Skirvon, a Representative - Hilmaran
Uthik Dastiri, a Member - Manisthuan
High Commandery ("Commandery" for short)
Arcanan equivalent of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Pentagon
Dominated by Andaran generals and officers.
Judiciary General's Office
.. Enforces military regulations and law.
.. Prosecutes those accused of wrongdoing in uniform.
Inspector General's Office
(We are not told if it is a part of the Commandery,
or an independent agency like the UAC.)
Represents all Mythalan States.
Apparent rulers of Mythal,
to the extent that Mythal is ruled.
Mythalan Postal Service
Central Bank of Mythal
. Owned by "Mythalan Government" (unlike other banks).
... Board of Directors
... Government appoints 1/3rd of Board
It has a Loan Board
... One Member is a cousin of Gurthak
Council Of Twelve
... Mythalan Shakira group
... Nith vos & mul Gurthak reports to them.
MAGICAL ANIMALS mentioned in texts:
.. Transport
.. Battle
.... fire-ball (red)
.... lightning-bolt (black)
.... poison gas (yellow)
.. Crossbreeds
.. Recon
.. Strike
Slide Rail: Arcanan equivalent of a railroad.
Slider: A Slide Rail car. Must stay on the Railway.
Automoticar: A new invention.
.. A small private slider that does not need a railway.
Howard T. Map-addict
Last edited by Howard T. Map-addict on Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:22 pm, edited 14 times in total.
C P & G - Post 3 Colleges both S & A
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:49 am

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

ALL COLLEGES mentioned - both Sharona and Arcana

on Sharona Worlds: 4 so far.
.. near Gulf Point, Shurkhal
....founded and run by Shalassar Kolmayr-Brintal
.... Its professors include Darcel Kinlafia's father,
...... a Professor of Languages
.. many branches
,,,, a branch at New Estafel, New Sharona
,,,,,, Ghartoum once taught Engineering there.
WAR COLLEGE, Ternath (Army only? all Military?)
on Arcanan worlds: 3 so far.
MYTHAL FALLS ACADEMY, Mythal Falls, Arcana
. Oldest, Most Prestigious Magical
.. Research And Teaching Academy in Arcana.
GARTH SHOWMA INSTITUTE, Showma Falls, New Arcana
. Established by Magister Halathyn vos Dulainah
.. as rival to MFA. Serves Arcana Military.
. Makes its own Spells.
. Buys additional Spellware from vendors.
(page 347 R3H; added 10/25/16)
. Sathmin, the future Duchess of Garth Showma, went there.

7/28/14 edited to delete redundant data.

Howard T. Map-addict
The below threads have been combined with this one.
All of their Data is now also on this Thread.
Therefore, I have deleted the 2 threads below in August. HTM

Arcana Civilians, Colleges, Magic Animals deleted 8/16
forms .dvdwbr .net/ vwtopic.php = 3245

People sending messages deleted 8/1/14
forums .davidwebr. net/ vewtopc.php?f=3224
for People & Places not in Cast List or Glossary see:

for All Places mentioned, Land & Water,
correlating Earth-Sharona-Arcana, see

for Worlds Outgoing From Sharona Towards Arcana:

for All Military People, Sharona and Arcana,
Enlisted, Officers, and also All Casualties:
Last edited by Howard T. Map-addict on Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:31 pm, edited 15 times in total.
C P & G - Post 4 Emperors On Sharona
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:08 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

c2006, David Weber & Janet Evans
All data theirs; alll errrors mine.
Prior TERNATH Emperors given:
Erthain the Great: Founder; semi-legendary
Celaryan II: made Treaty With Farnalia, 203 Ternath Year
HALILAN: defended a Bolakini city (Not in Glossary)
Wailyana I: built Temple Of St. Taiyr in Tajvana, 3016
(in Glossary entry for St Taiyr Temple only)
Wailyana II: "the Great" ruled 4172-4207
(in Glossary as "Empress W II")
Gariyan VI: began Withdrawal From East
Gariyan VII, (son of VI): withdrew from Tajvana
places named after emperors (no country given)
(also see "Emperor Daerha Boulevard" in Tajvana;
no other data on these names found)
(also see "Emperor Edvar Mountains" [Glossary]
. and Emperor Garim Chancellery [HG 796])
ZINDEL chan Calirath: Emperor & Duke of Ternathia,
...Warlord of the West, Protector of the Peach,
...Wing-Crowned, also a Grand Duke of Farnalia
Varena Calirath, Empress-Consort
Emperor Chava 9th. - Busar Dynasty
Emperor Ronnel 16th. - Karone Dynasty
Dowager Empress (unnamed) is at Tajvana Conclave,
...but not in Glossary
Howard T. Map-addict
C P & G - post 5 Voice Flick Hum
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:39 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Voice, Flick, Hum: People Sending Messages
List of people who send messages in various ways.
Abbreviations used:
TA: Ternath Army
SPA: Sharona Portal Authority
PAAF: Portal Authority Armed Forces
TTE: Trans-Temporal Express
SUNN: Sharona Universal News Network
AM: all Arcanan Military
Voices, Sharonan - 25 given in first 2 books:

SHAYLAR Nargra-Kolmayr, Chalgyn Consortium
DARCEL Kinlafia, Chalgyn Consortium
(These are Protagonists of the books.)

Rokam Traygan, Petty-Captain, chanTesh Force, PAAF
Shansair Baulwan, Petty-Cap, Ft Shaylar, PAAF
Erthek Vardan, civilian, Fort Brithik, SPA
Waird chan Lyrosk, Petty-Cap, Ft Brithik, PAAF
Lamir Ilthry, civilian, relay, Thermin, SPA
Falsar chan Tergis, Senior Armsman, Ft Ghartoun, PAAF
Syrail Targal, age 13, near Fort Ghartoum, Thermin

Hersal Yoritam, civilian, RR Workcrew, Karys, TTE
Jaerika Orma, civilian, relay, Karys, SPA
Kaliya chan Darma, Petty-Cap, Fort Salby, PAAF
Lisar chan Korthal, Company-Cap, 3rd Dr Div Staff, TA
Josam chan Rakail, Fort Tharkoma, Salym, PAAF
unnamed assistant Voice, Tharkoma, Salym, SPA
Haliyar Narmayla, civilian, New Ramoth, Salym, SPA
Chenrys Hordan, civilian, relay, Hurkaym, Salym, SPA

Alazon Yanamar, Privy Voice, Caliraths
Ulantha Jastyr, assistant PV to Yanamar
Yaf Umani, Head Voice, Sharona Portal Authority
Samari Wilkon, SPA (Faltharian), serving Halidar Kinshe
Davir Perthis, Chief Voice, SUNN
Darl Elivath, Senior SUNN Voice at SPA Headquarters

Falgayn Harwal, Projective Voice
unnamed, wife of Corps-Cap. chan Rowlan
first seen in R3H:
Istin Leddle, Lady Durthia, Forminara Pelgra,
notes: "telepaths" who are not counted as "Voices"
Corps-Captain Farlan chan Rowlan is "a strong telepath"
Thanimar Kolmayr, telepath who refused Voice training.
Flickers, Sharonan, 4 given
Chief Armsman Virak chan Treskin, PAAF
.. Viscount Simrath's Negotiators
Senior Armsman Orek Isia, Fort Salby, PAAF
Junior Armsman Tairsal chan Synarch, PAAF
.. chan Tesh Force, Hell's Gate Lines
Petty Armsman Grethar Bantha, Fort Shaylar, PAAF
Hummer-Handlers, Arcanan, 2 given
Javelin Iggar "Iggy" Shulthan, Charlie Company,
.. 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment,
.. Second Andaran Temporal Scouts AM
unnamed Senior Sword, attendant on 1000 Toralk AM
More conventional ways of sending messages:
Mythalan Postal Service
I'm sure that the rest of Arcana also has Post Offices.
I'm sure that Sharona has them too.

Howard T. Map-addict, who deems this post,
and also deems this whole Thread, "Complete."
Last edited by Howard T. Map-addict on Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
post 6 - Sharonan Talents
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:36 am

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Now I am shown, by MisterTompson,
that this Thread is *not* complete.

ISTR making a list of Sharonan Talents.
I ought to have put it into this thread.
Today is Monday.
List assembled by MisterTompson, Eagleeye, Keith W.
tonyz, bkwormlisa, SCC, brnicholas, and myself.

Telepath, basic (short range)
Voice (ranges measured in tens or hundreds of miles)
Projective Voice (can project into non-telepathic minds)
Pre-cogs, various types (weather, fire, volcanos, etc)
Glimpses, Caliraths only
Distance Viewer
Porter (can power the Emergency Transport System)
Portal Hound
Mind Healer
That seems to be all anyone found, as far as I can tell.

Howard T. Map-addict wrote:Voice, Flick, Hum: People Sending Messages
List of people who send messages in various ways.
Abbreviations used:
TA: Ternath Army
SPA: Sharona Portal Authority
PAAF: Portal Authority Armed Forces
TTE: Trans-Temporal Express
SUNN: Sharona Universal News Network
AM: all Arcanan Military
Voices, Sharonan -

Projective Voice
notes: "telepaths" who are not counted as "Voices"
Flickers, Sharonan,
Hummer-Handlers, Arcanan,
More conventional ways of sending messages:
Mythalan Postal Service
I'm sure that the rest of Arcana also has Post Offices.
I'm sure that Sharona has them too.

Howard T. Map-addict, who deems this post,
and also deems this whole Thread, "Complete."
Post 7: Civilian People & Groups - Arcana From HG & HHNF on
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:24 am

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

This post, near the end of the Civilian Thread,
is a record of Arcanan civilians in the first two books only.
Upthread, Post #2 will include Arcanans in Book Three, R2H.
ARCANA civilians: people and groups
Legendary Leaders: 1
Melwain the Great: "the Andaran King Arthur"
OLDERHAM family, Andaran nobility
Sir Thankhar O: Commander of 5000, retired AM
.Commander, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts, retired
.Duke of Garth Showma, Earl of Yar Khon, Baron Sarkhia
.Planetary Governor of New Arcana (per Glossary)
.Governor of High Hathak (per page 20 HG)
a previous O. Duke founded 2nd And Temp Scouts
intervening O. Dukes commanded them.
Sathmin O: Sir Thankhar's wife; Duchess of GarthShowma
JASEK O: their son, Commander of One Hundred,
.company commander in 2nd. And. Temp. Scouts
no other son, per page 653 HG
a daughter age 12, mentioned pages 169 & 200 HG
HALESAK family - Garthan
1 Father fled Mythal, at some time found co-parent,
.. then had 2 daughters and at least 1 son.
2 Iftar's other parent, presumably mother
..(but with Arcana's magical genetics,
.. anything not denied is possible!)
3 Arlis, married Therman Ulthar
4 Iftar's Second Sister, unnamed
5 Iftar H., married, one child (see "Officers" post)
6 unnamed wife of Iftar
7 unnamed daughter of Iftar and his wife.
Other people
A brother-in-law to Nith v&m Gurthak
Gurthak's third sister, married to above.
Talented Magic Users:
Magisters/Magistrons, Journeymen, Novices
Rayjhari Hansara, ancient Magistron - Ransaran
..devised Genetic Manipulation to enhance animals.
unnamed Andaran Scout, invented "Hummer system" which augmented hummingbirds carry messages.
Awards & Honors:
Vos Lipkin Prize: for major advance in magic use
Research & Training SCHOOLS OF MAGIC:
Mythal Falls Academy
no current members named
It has a Chancellor, Department Heads, a Faculty Senate
Garth Showma Institue
HALATHYN vos DULAINAN, Magister, Director
... a Mythalan Shakira
GADRIAL KELBRYAN, Magister, Second in Charge
... a Ransaran
Union Parliament
Union Senate
Union Arbitration Commision (UAC)
.. reports to Union Senate, or a Senate Committee
Rithmar Skirvon, a Representative - Hilmaran
Uthik Dastiri, a Member - Manisthuan
Commandery, High Commandery
Arcanan equivalent of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Pentagon
Dominated by Andaran generals and officers.
Inspector General's Office
(We are not told if it is a part of the Commandery,
or an independent agency like the UAC.)
Represents all Mythalan States.
Apparent rulers of Mythal,
to the extent that Mythal is ruled.
Mythalan Postal Service
Central Bank of Mythal
. Owned by "Mythalan Government" (unlike other banks).
... Board of Directors
... Government appoints 1/3rd of Board
It has a Loan Board
... One Member is a cousin of Gurthak
Council Of Twelve
... Mythalan Shakira group
... Nith vos & mul Gurthak reports to them.
MAGICAL ANIMALS mentioned in texts:
.. Transport
.. Battle
.... fire-ball (red)
.... lightning-bolt (black)
.... poison gas (yellow)
.. Crossbreeds
.. Recon
.. Strike

Howard True Map-addict, Record Made 6/29/16
Civilian People and Groups - post 8 Sharona; HG & HHNF only
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:51 am

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:47 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

This list of Sharonan people and groups in the first two books
is For The Record, to avoid confusion with additions in Book 3.
c2006 and 2007, David Weber & Janet Evans
All data theirs; alll errrors mmine.
CONCLAVE: Assembly of all governments on Sharona
and its Outworlds. Policymaking body for all Sharona.
TERNATH Government:
Calirath Court and Government
Hawkwing Palace, Estafel, Ternath
Prior Emperors given:
Erthain the Great: Founder; semi-legendary
Celaryan II: made Treaty With Farnalia, 203 Ternath Year
HALILAN: defended a Bolakini city (Not in Glossary)
Wailyana I: built Temple Of St. Taiyr in Tajvana, 3016
(in Glossary entry for St Taiyr Temple only)
Wailyana II: "the Great" ruled 4172-4207
(in Glossary as "Empress W II")
Gariyan VI: began Withdrawal From East
Gariyan VII, (son of VI): withdrew from Tajvana
(also see "Emperor Daerha Boulevard" in Tajvana;
no other data on this name found)
(also see "Emperor Edvar Mountains" [Glossary]
. and Emperor Garim Chancellery [HG 796])
ZINDEL chan Calirath: Emperor & Duke of Ternathia,
Warlord of the West, Protector of the Peach,
Wing-Crowned, also a Grand Duke of Farnalia
Varena Calirath, Empress-Consort
Janaki chan Calirath, Crown Prince,
...Platoon-Captain in Ternath Marines
...eldest child & only son
ANDRIN Calirath, Princess, eldest daughter
Razial Calirath, Princess, middle daughter
Ambessa Calirath, Princess, youngest daughter
(an "Aunt Reza" is mentioned, HG p373, not Glossary)
Alazon Yanamar, Privy Voice
Ulantha Jastyr, Assistant PV
Merissa Vankhal, Protocol Instuctor,
...Chief Lady-In-Waiting to Princess Andrin
Sathee Balithar, maid to Princess Andrin
Relatha Kindare, household servant, talented Healer, maid to Princess Andrin
... (father: footman to Privy Council)
... (mother: maid to [one of] Andrin's grandmothers)
... (mother: untrained Talented Healer)
Lazima chan Zindico, senior bodyguard, Prs Andrin
Brahndys chan Gordahl, bodyguard to Princess Andrin
Ulthar chan Habikon, bodyguard to Princess Andrin
Gayrzal Malthayr, art instructor to Pincess Razial
Shamir Taje, First Councilor
Ekthar Shilvass, Treasury Councilor
Brithum Dulan, Internal Affairs Councilor
Nanthee Silbeth, Education Councilor
Chalyar chan Gristhane, Army Councilor
..Captain of the Army
Mancy Fornath, 45th Earl of Ilforth, 51st Baron Fornath
...Speaker of the House of Lords
Other nobles alluded to:
Dorzon & Charazan Baskay's father is an Earl,
.. with a seat in the House of Lords.
Braiheri Futhai's grandfather is a Duke.
Other Monarchies and Goverments:
Emperor Chava the ninth Busar
three (3) Sons, Daughters, other relatives
Sunlords, Windlords, other nobles
(for an Overlord with many agents,
Chava does much work in person!)
Emperor Ronnel the sixteenth Karone
Dowager Empress (unnamed) is at Tajvana Conclave,
...but not in Glossary
King Fyysel
Crown Prince Danith Fyysel
(some daughters referred to in text)
Dalisar Tharsayl, court official
..sent by King Fyysel to assist Kolmayrs
Parliamentary Representatives include:
Halidar Kinshe
Shurkhali subjects include:
Thaminar Kolmayr, a herdsman R3H
Shalassar Kolmayr-Brintal, his wife R3H
..a Talented Ambassador to Cetaceans
Shaylar Nargra-Kolmayr, their daughter, a Voice R3H
(several sons referred to in text)
King Junni Fai Yujin .. R3H ..
Crown Prince Howan Fai Goutin, not yet married .R3H.
... Munn Lii, bodyguard, Prince Howan ..R3H..
rulers of ten city-states on south shore of Mbisi Sea
Great Palace, Tajvana, Othmaliz
.contains Emperor Garim Chancellery, where Conclave meets
Seneschal of the Order of Bergahl
..his birthname is Fairlain Raynarg ..R3H..
Krithron Arthag, a Sept Chieftain (not in Glossary)
(Petty-Captain Hulmok A. is his fifth son)
Corporations and Authorities:
SPA = Sharona Portal Authority, HQ Tajvana
(governs the First Portal, and everything beyond it)
Board of Directors:
Orem Limania, First Director
Irthan Palben, Empire of Farnalia
Halidar Kinshe, Kingdom of Shurkhal
Djoser Anzeti, Arpathian Septentrion
Ordras Breasal, Kingdom of Isseth
Jagtha Karym, Lady, Kingdom of Limanthia
(other directors)
Chathee Haimas, Assistant to First Director
Yaf Umani, Head Voice
Samari Wilkon, Voice
..assigned to Kinshe during emergency
Chenrys Hordan, Hurkaym, Salym
Haliyar Narmayla, New Ramath, Salym
Josam chan Rakail, Ft. Tharkoma, Salym
an unnamed assistant voice, " , Salym
Jaerika Orma, Karys
Lamir Ilthyr, Thermyn
Erthik Vardan, Ft. Brithik, Thermyn
Agencies, Businesses, other Civilians:
Falgayn Harwal, Projective Voice
Chairmok Ula, Captain IMS Windtreader, a passenger liner
TTE = Trans Temporal Express
(Sharona's railroad system to Outworlds)
.. HQ in Larakesh, within sight of the GATE.
{Arcana's version is
.... /Union Trans-Temporal Transit Authority (UTTTA)}
Gahlreen Taymish, First Director .. R3H ..
Olvyr Banchu, Chief Construction Engineer - Uromathan
Foram chan Eris, construction engineer, Karys
Hersal Yoritam, Voice, construction crew, Karys
There is a Directorate Of Operations.
It has a Director Of Operations.
Yakhan Chusal, Senior Train Master
Hayrdar Sheltim, Train Master
..1st Brigade, 3rd Dragoon Division's train
Hardar Jalkanthi, Master Engineer - Garouoma, Narheth
Charak Tarku, Fireman - Arpathian
Irnay Tarka, Train Master, Karys - Eniathian
Freight Master
None shown. (It was Shaylar who noticed this Officer,
but she might have misidentified a Train Master.)
SUNN = Sharonian Universal News Network
... Headquarters in Tajvana
Jali Kavilkan, Executive Manager
Linar Wiltash, Kavailkan's private secretary
Tarlin Bolsh, Chief, International News Division
Nithan Dursh, a News Anchor (not in Glossary)
"Grandma" Sholli, Interviewer (not in Glossary)
Gortho Sandrick, an expert in trans-temporal affairs
...retired from Portal Survey
Davir Perthis, Chief Voice
Darl Elivath, Senior Voice at SPA headquarters
Other "minor" news networks are mentioned.
locomotive foundry, supplies TTE
MAHKRIS Shipping Corporation
owns (among other things) a tall building in Tajvana
CHALGYN Consortium .. R3H ..
it has a Division of Mines & Mineral Extraction (DOMME)
it has Survey Crews including:
Ghartoum's half-crew (other half went to Nairsom?)
Ghartoum chan Hagrahyl, Crew Chief
Divis Erkol, clerk Ricathian
Fanthi chan Hiridi
Braiheri Futhai, naturalist (Ternath noble)
Falsam chan Salgmun
Barris Kasell Arpathian
Elevu Gitel, geologist
Levok Rilthan, gunsmith
Yorlahn Naldar, cook
Tymo Scleppis, Talented Healer
Darcel KINLAFIA Voice, Portal Hound
..his father, Professor of Languages, Resiam U.
..his mother, Talented Healer
..both his parents, & three grandparents, also Mappers
FAIRNOS Consortium
(in Glossary, in Kersai's entry only, not by itself)
.. Surveyed the Failcham-Thermyn Portal
.. Employees include:
Syrail "Kersai" Targal, Geologist, Thermyn
. Raysith Targal, his wife, Thermyn
. Syrail Targal, Jr., their son, Thermyn
... an emerging voice,
.... they speak Tathewinan
Isseth-Liada Portal Exploration Company
.. Owned by Kingdom of Isseth
Settled in Outworlds
Baskay Family, Reysher
..including Charazan Baskay, teenage girl (see below)
Wives and Sisters = 7
Alimar Kinshe-Falis, Talented Healer
see above Halidar K, Parliament Rep., SPA Director
Misanya Geraith, Division-Captain's wife
see Arlos c. G, Third Dragoon D. TA
Chalendra Skrithik, Regiment-Captain's wife
see Rof c. S, Fort Salby PAAF
Charazan Baskay, noble's daughter, officer's sister
see Dorzon c. B, Viscount Simrath, Platoon-Captain
Jesmanar Jalkanthi-Ishar, wife
see above Hardar J, Master Engineer (driver), TTE
wife of Corps-Captain Fairlain c Rowlan, a Voice
sister of Davir Perthis, SUNN Chief Voice
.. has a son in the Outworlds
SHARONAN TALENTS mentioned in Text or Glossary
Voices - 25 mentioned. See list at bottom of thread.
Projective Voice - 1. Falgayn Harwal
Other Telepaths - many, including:
..Empress Varena Calirath
..Thanamir Kolmayr
.. Corps-Captain Fairlain Rowlan
Healer - at least 5
Lifter - (I found none)
Flicker - 4 See list at bottom of thread
Mapper - Jathmar Nargra, his parents, 3 grandparents.
Plotter - Harth Loumas
Sifter - Trekar chan Rothag
Tracer (aka Sniffer) Soral Hilovar
Whiffer - Nolis Parcanth
Distance Viewer - Wesiar chan Forcal
Calirath Talents: several, including
Howard T. Map-addict

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