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new book please!!!!

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new book please!!!!
Post by joek66   » Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:40 pm


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Please can anyone tell me when the next book is coming out? One that is not a spinoff but a real HH book? I'm dying here lol
Re: new book please!!!!
Post by Hutch   » Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:41 pm

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joek66 wrote:Please can anyone tell me when the next book is coming out? One that is not a spinoff but a real HH book? I'm dying here lol

Well, rumor has it that the MWW is working on it and that we should have it sometime in the first half of next year.

Is that accurate? Don't know.

Be patient and all will be revealed (someday). Meanwhile concentrate on not dying.... :)
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Re: new book please!!!!
Post by crewdude48   » Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:53 pm


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joek66 wrote:Please can anyone tell me when the next book is coming out? One that is not a spinoff but a real HH book? I'm dying here lol

Well what have you read? If it is just the Honor centric books you have missed a lot. The World of Honor anthologies have several great stories (and a couple of horrible ones) that could tide you over. There are also the Shadow and Torch books that run more or less parallel to the Honor books and are not spinoffs so much as separate streams, and now that Mr Weber is bringing the three branching streams of novels back together, you should probably read them.

The next book we do know about is A Call to Duty, which is a spin off, but looks like it will be very good. That will be coming out sometime in the fall. We have no known date, or even title, for the next book set in the 1900s. Sorry.
I'm the know, that or His Dudeness, or Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Re: new book please!!!!
Post by n7axw   » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:22 pm

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I'm following the Safehold series. Seven books so far and waitin with baited breath for Hell's Foundations Quiver. Lots of good stuff from David Weber and following the forums makes it even better.

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Re: new book please!!!!
Post by JohnRoth   » Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:07 pm


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As Hutch says, the next book will probably be out in the first half of 2015, probably followed by House of Lies in the second half. Given the naming scheme to date, it ought to have "Honor" in the title. All the signs point away from it being "Honorary Mandarin." :lol:
Re: new book please!!!!
Post by Vince   » Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:10 pm

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Further books in the young adult Star Kingdom series of the early Honorverse focused on Stephanie Harrington have been postponed.

David tweeted on 23 June 2014 that: "Morgan and Megan are finally reading the Stephanie Harrington books and actually LIKE them. Happy dance!"

I wonder if he has thought out the implications of that?

What happens when Morgan and Megan do an Oliver Twist?

'More, please.'
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: new book please!!!!
Post by dreamrider   » Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:09 pm

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Vince wrote:Further books in the young adult Star Kingdom series of the early Honorverse focused on Stephanie Harrington have been postponed.

David tweeted on 23 June 2014 that: "Morgan and Megan are finally reading the Stephanie Harrington books and actually LIKE them. Happy dance!"

I wonder if he has thought out the implications of that?

What happens when Morgan and Megan do an Oliver Twist?

'More, please.'

THEY GET them. ('We' may not, unless Toni is convinced to make room in the schedule for a more lightly paying item.)

Re: new book please!!!!
Post by kzt   » Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:59 pm

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dreamrider wrote:THEY GET them. ('We' may not, unless Toni is convinced to make room in the schedule for a more lightly paying item.)

I suspect the same outcome will occur when Ringo was talking about finding a more appropriate publisher for his sex and violence series ("Ghost"), which is that if the work exists and one of their core authors wants to publish it then Baen will publish it anyhow.
Re: new book please!!!!
Post by roseandheather   » Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:21 pm


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kzt wrote:
dreamrider wrote:THEY GET them. ('We' may not, unless Toni is convinced to make room in the schedule for a more lightly paying item.)

I suspect the same outcome will occur when Ringo was talking about finding a more appropriate publisher for his sex and violence series ("Ghost"), which is that if the work exists and one of their core authors wants to publish it then Baen will publish it anyhow.


...sorry. :lol: 8-)

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Re: new book please!!!!
Post by Reader Bob   » Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:27 pm

Reader Bob
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Joek66 I'm in my early seventies and, if I prayed, would be praying that RunsForCelery finishes this series before it is too late for me. Instead, I just try to eat healthy so I might last until he finally gets around to telling me what happens in the end.

I have discovered that patience isn't just a virtue but a necessity when dealing with Wonderful Wizards who put out their products on their own schedule no matter what we poor readers want.

I haven't read the Young books or the Early Manticore Navy books yet but I'll probably break down and do them too before long. But most of the anthology stories are good. I don't recall which one 'The Fanatic' is in but it really is a 'must-read' and 'From the Highlands' is just as good.

Stick in there and eat lots of healthy food. If you are older than twelve you might need it! :lol: :lol:

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