SWM wrote:Weird Harold wrote:Give me some text. Don't just give me your ideas on what the Alignment plans are--show me text evidence that the Alignment plans to use military force.
The most explicit textev I can think of:Mission Of Honor (eARC)
Chapter Thirty-eight
(Albrrecht Detweiler POV) wrote:Every one of those slaves had been born here in Darius, and not one of them had ever left the system. Their knowledge of what was happening elsewhere in the galaxy, of the history of Mesa, or of their own history had been carefully controlled for generations. They'd been aware for those same generations that they and their parents and grandparents had been laboring to build first the basic industry and then the specialized infrastructure to support a massive navy, but they were convinced it was intended as a defensive fleet.
(Italics by the Author, Bold by me.)If the "massive navy" is not a "defensive fleet" What else could it be except an "Offensive Fleet." People don't invest in massive offensive fleets unless they intend to use them.
Other testev explicitly states the MAlign goal is to replace the Solarian League with the Renaissance Factor.
So, do you still contend that a group whose express intention is to rule Solarian League Space, and is building a "massive navy" that is NOT a defensive fleet, aren't planning on using military force?
I will grant that this is suggestive. I don't think it is really strong evidence, but it is some evidence. But this is the Darius fleet. Covert operations are not defensive. I have already stated that the Detweilers are intended for covert operations. That satisfies the statement that the fleet is not a defensive fleet. So, yes, I do still contend that the Alignment does not intend to take over planets by overt military force.
Now you are splitting hairs. If a fleet isn't defensive in nature, it's offensive. We're clearly told that the fleet being built at Darius isn't defensive. That leaves the only other option, offensive actions, ie conquest. It's like your claiming the Masadan fleet way back when was not defensive, but not offensive either, when it slept most of its time in the Grayson system, trying to conquer it. The fleet is meant as a tool of conquest and force, to make those systems that won't join voluntarily, join one way or another.
*altered due to the quote limitation of the quoting gods