JohnRoth wrote:Please remember that the MAlign also wants to break up the SL so that the remnants can coalesce around the Renaisance Factor, leaving Beowulf and the Beowulf Code out of the result.
Oh, I haven't forgotten that.
I think the strategy of the GA will mute a great deal of the chaos the MAlign is planning on using, but at least in general terms the GA and MAlign will be working towards a common goal.
JohnRoth wrote:Talking about whether the so-called "Harrington Plan" (or whatever - I don't remember it ever being given a name in any book) will succeed is beside the point. The MAlign wants it to succeed, and had its own plans in place to make it happen.
"Harrington Doctrine" is a forum short-hand for "That paragraph where Honor explains how to kill the Solarian League with kindness" -- it's just easier to type.

I'm not sure that the MAlign wants the Harrington Doctrine to succeed. If the GA manages to suppress any desire to clump together, then the plans for expanding the RF by presenting it as a "safe haven" from the chaos are going to be much more difficult to implement.
The MAlign does want the League destroyed, but their goal diverges from the GA's on the fate of the successor states.