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First exposure to Honor Harrington

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Re: First exposure to Honor Harrington
Post by KNick   » Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:27 pm


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Mr. Weber would have to tell us what he published before Mutineer's Moon, because I can't remember anything from before that. If someone else remembers anything, speak up.

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Re: First exposure to Honor Harrington
Post by SpaceManSpiff   » Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:35 pm

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A good friend of mine frog marched me into the library and made me check out OBS.......
I read it in one day.
Can't get enough now.....
Now I check the web just about every day for updates about the new book......
Spent a lot of money buying the ENTIRE series in hard cover......

And thank you...... :D
Re: First exposure to Honor Harrington
Post by SWM   » Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:10 pm

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KNick wrote:Mr. Weber would have to tell us what he published before Mutineer's Moon, because I can't remember anything from before that. If someone else remembers anything, speak up.

Just look at the Bibliography under the Library tab at the top of this page.

His first book was Insurrection, with Steve White. Mutineer's Moon was his second, Crusade was his third, with OBS coming out a month later.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: First exposure to Honor Harrington
Post by HB of CJ   » Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:49 pm

HB of CJ
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The year was way back around whenever the first Harrington novel came out; On Basilisk Station. I was then volunteering at our local mostly volunteer SW Oregon USA public library and I asked the librarian what was new in the new purchases book list, what there was of it. She produced the aforementioned title and handed it to me.

I recognized the author as the same who wrote The Path Of The Fury, which I very much enjoyed. The rest, as they say, is history. I would buy one new copy in the series at it became available, would read it a couple of times, then quickly donate it to the library. Has it been that long ago? Guess it has been. HB of CJ (old coot) Full Cm. now.
Re: First exposure to Honor Harrington
Post by crewdude48   » Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:17 am


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HB of CJ wrote:The year was way back around whenever the first Harrington novel came out; On Basilisk Station. I was then volunteering at our local mostly volunteer SW Oregon USA public library and I asked the librarian what was new in the new purchases book list, what there was of it. She produced the aforementioned title and handed it to me.

I recognized the author as the same who wrote The Path Of The Fury, which I very much enjoyed. The rest, as they say, is history. I would buy one new copy in the series at it became available, would read it a couple of times, then quickly donate it to the library. Has it been that long ago? Guess it has been. HB of CJ (old coot) Full Cm. now.

Just for the record, when OBS first came out, I was eight.
I'm the know, that or His Dudeness, or Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Re: First exposure to Honor Harrington
Post by Hutch   » Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:52 am

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Well, I would like it on the record that I would never expose myself to Honor Harrington. I mean, a gentleman must have standards of decency....

...Oh, you mean when I first began reading the novels.... :oops: 8-)

I truthfully can't remember. I know it was about the same time that I picked up Eric's Ring of Fire series (and I idily wonder, besides rose and I, how many others read both of those series front to back) but I can't for the life of me remember if I got to the Honorverse from RoF, or visa versa.

All I know is that I started about 4 years ago, have both series in paper/hardback on my shelves, and have donated a number of hardback copies of both to a new High School that just opened near my house for the past 2 years.

And am impatiently waiting for the MWW (the next Honorverse novel) and Eric (the next Mainline novel and the British update (A parcel of Rogues).

So get to work, you guys!!
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5
Re: First exposure to Honor Harrington
Post by potter12   » Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:06 pm


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My first exposure to RFC was Mutineers Moon. Somehow I found the BAEN website and there was a free version of Mutineers Moon. After that I wanted to read the next two books but ofcourse I could not find them in my local bookstores.

Couple of weeks later during Economics class I was chatting with my teacher about our favourite books and I mentioned that I could not find the next two books. The next day my teacher showed up with two used books. Guess which ones?

The greatest gift he gave me was the address of a bookstore in a neigbouring city that only sold English language books. They had an entire floor dedicated to Scifi/Fantasy.

After reading the Dahak books I began reading Honorverse starting with OBS.
Re; Hello person crewdude48:
Post by HB of CJ   » Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:20 pm

HB of CJ
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crewdude48; what I meant was that it was a newly purchased and made available book from our local volunteer library...and NOT produced particularly by any chronological publish date

HB of CJ (old coot) Cm. Has it been that many years ago?
Last edited by HB of CJ on Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Re; Hello person crewdude48:
Post by SWM   » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:16 pm

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HB of CJ wrote:crewdude48; what I believe I posted was that it was a new purchase at our local volunteer library...and NOT a initial chronological publish date.

In future please read my posts more carefully before you made such pointless incorrect statements perhaps because they make you feel good or superior.

Thank you sir. Now drop and give me 50! What, you are STILL smiling? Drop and give me 50 more. Still? 50 more. HB of CJ (old coot) Cm. :) :)

Um, HB? I think you are being oversensitive. All crewdude said was that he was 8 years old when OBS came out. How is that offensive?
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: Re; Hello person crewdude48:
Post by Roguevictory   » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:54 pm

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SWM wrote:
HB of CJ wrote:crewdude48; what I believe I posted was that it was a new purchase at our local volunteer library...and NOT a initial chronological publish date.

In future please read my posts more carefully before you made such pointless incorrect statements perhaps because they make you feel good or superior.

Thank you sir. Now drop and give me 50! What, you are STILL smiling? Drop and give me 50 more. Still? 50 more. HB of CJ (old coot) Cm. :) :)

Um, HB? I think you are being oversensitive. All crewdude said was that he was 8 years old when OBS came out. How is that offensive?

Yeah why I don't really understand what caused crewdude to feel he needed to point out how old he was when OBS came out hi doing so isn;t offensive at all IMO.

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