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The Honorverse Forum Wish List

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Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by roseandheather   » Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:19 pm


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Hutch wrote:Yep, if she hadn't forgetten where she put it... 8-) :D

Which she would, given that this is Shannon Foraker. :lol:

Maybe Sonja can help with that?? :mrgreen:

Seriously though, can you imagine a short story that's basically Shannon's diary from just before meeting Sonja to - well, whenever it stops? I mean, come on!

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by KNick   » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:08 pm


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Speaking of Shannon, I want to hear her thoughts when Tourville pushed that delete button. Priceless. For cigars, there's always MasterCard. She should use it often.

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Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by lyonheart   » Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:08 am

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Hi Hutch, Dreamrider, and Cthia;

Intriguing ideas all.

Mine was a bit more prosaic, though I know RFC has never wasted that much time on something like this:

A senior JAG officer visits Styles at his home, probably a captain, where Styles proceeds to bluster about Harrington's persecution of him but he's on his home turf now with plenty of allies of his own in high places etc, who easily break all the hostile testimony including 'Commodore Ramirez', etc when the JAG officer interrupts to point out the former commodore is now expected to be the next president of San Martin with between 80-90% of the vote since all but one candidate has withdrawn in his favor, so his testimony might carry more weight than Styles has anticipated, then goes on to explain he's the defense for his first Courts-Martial; the one for losing his picket squadron at Yalta; "which obviously carries the death penalty that has been carried out several times during the war for similar failures regardless of family connections, and by the way did you know sir, your personal message files were recovered by the peeps who found them in your quarters, including the war-warning message you ignored, that they appended to your file that they brought back..."

At this point the second JAG officer has been let in by the butler:

"Sorry, I'm late, but I had trouble finding a parking place, I couldn't tell what you were shouting about when I came in, but I'm the defense for your second
Courts-Martial, not that I'm sure you'll last that long; to be frank it looks very bad sir, the prosecutors were practically drooling over who got picked; its so open and shut, a brand new Lt jg could win it hands down."

"After reviewing the preliminary evidence the officers of the court will have only one question, sir; why didn't you check the peep data base at Camp Charon for its information on Honor Harrington, sir?"

"The peep data base?"

"The peeps kept records of everything and everybody sir, I mean they were InSec there for over a century, then they were StateSec for almost a decade, so they bugged everything, everyone, and every room, including personnel entertainment requests and all data searches, and all of it was copied and taken before the first flight left the camp that became the last, and another copy with the last that became first, but even though they didn't have the latest data that was probably aboard Tepes, they still had the files for Basilisk, Grayson, Hancock, the trial and duel, 4th Yeltsin and Silesia sir, so they knew she was the second ranking full admiral of the GNS which already had over 2 dozen SD's, sir."

"So the peeps knew she was a full admiral, sir, so why didn't you have the brains God gave geese to check it sir?"

Styles almost whispers " But I did!"


"The second day I was there."

Then the first JAG wonders "Right! you checked her out somewhere other than your quarters, didn't you?"

"Where?" asks the second.

"When the uniform fitting technician went to lunch."

"Excellent! By checking the data requests for her file that day eliminates over 99% of the searches, but if we can confirm that's where you did it, it will keep the board from thinking you're a complete idiot, sir."

"Of course that won't stop them from hanging you, sir."

"And we might have to recuse ourselves, knowing you're now guilty of all the charges, not that that wasn't evident from all the command conference tapes, or all the witnesses that had told you previously sir."

"What are you saying? That I'm doomed?"

Now both JAG officers were wondering my God, are we going to have to spell it out for him?

But the captain was senior, so he had to do it.

"Well sir, in some services where they face this sort of embarrassment, like the Andermanni I believe, they leave the officer alone to return to his quarters where some brother officer has thoughtfully loaded his pistol..."

A pregnant pause followed, while they all contemplated the fact Styles was already in his home.

"Okay, Okay; I'll resign."-

"Well sir 'twere best done quickly'; a JAG officer is always prepared, so I have the form right here and the commander and I can be the witnesses, so if you'll just sign here-"

Much too wordy I know, but darn it, I never said it was that good to start with. ;)


[quote="Hutch"][quote="lyonheart"].....On a different wish list, I've always enjoyed imagining the scene where Admiral Styles decides to retire because it could be so fun to write.

Does anyone care to suggest a synopsis in lieu of fanfic?


You mean like him sitting in Thomas Caparelli's Office trying to bluster his way out of the charges against him when a woman's voice comes over the speakers and says "I have heard enough of this." and Elizabeth Winton enters the office and proceeds to display the Winton temper to Styles, who then meekly retires as 'requested'?

Something like that? 8-)[/quote]
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by cthia   » Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:29 pm

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I'd like someone from Harrington Steading to accomplish something very important, that proves to the naysayers the importance of the steading and Benjamin's reforms. Or even the steading as a whole.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by SWM   » Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:42 pm

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cthia wrote:I'd like someone from Harrington Steading to accomplish something very important, that proves to the naysayers the importance of the steading and Benjamin's reforms. Or even the steading as a whole.

Not quite sure what you mean . . . maybe something like saving the planet three times? Or perhaps simply inventing a new method of building domes which revolutionizes planetary development? Or building a state-of-the-art genetics facility and solving the nine-hundred-year-old problems of still births and gender ratios?

Plenty of good has come out of Harrington Steading. Nobody has naysaid the existence of a new Steading. They have naysaid the particular Steadholder in charge of it, despite all the good that has come of it.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by cthia   » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:21 pm

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Posts: 14951
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SWM wrote:
cthia wrote:I'd like someone from Harrington Steading to accomplish something very important, that proves to the naysayers the importance of the steading and Benjamin's reforms. Or even the steading as a whole.

Not quite sure what you mean . . . maybe something like saving the planet three times? Or perhaps simply inventing a new method of building domes which revolutionizes planetary development? Or building a state-of-the-art genetics facility and solving the nine-hundred-year-old problems of still births and gender ratios?

Plenty of good has come out of Harrington Steading. Nobody has naysaid the existence of a new Steading. They have naysaid the particular Steadholder in charge of it, despite all the good that has come of it.

Saving the planet three times was the Steadholder, not the Steaders. Building the facility was the Steadholder, not the Steaders. Solving the birth rate problems was the Steadholder's mother. And I forgot that Adam was of Harrington Steading. Sorry. Anyways, what I was alluding to was the ridicule Honor's Steaders took upon their volunteering for her Steading. And the chance they took that it could fail. What I am hoping for is a little guerdon on their part.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by SWM   » Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:40 am

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cthia wrote:
SWM wrote:Not quite sure what you mean . . . maybe something like saving the planet three times? Or perhaps simply inventing a new method of building domes which revolutionizes planetary development? Or building a state-of-the-art genetics facility and solving the nine-hundred-year-old problems of still births and gender ratios?

Plenty of good has come out of Harrington Steading. Nobody has naysaid the existence of a new Steading. They have naysaid the particular Steadholder in charge of it, despite all the good that has come of it.

Saving the planet three times was the Steadholder, not the Steaders. Building the facility was the Steadholder, not the Steaders. Solving the birth rate problems was the Steadholder's mother. And I forgot that Adam was of Harrington Steading. Sorry. Anyways, what I was alluding to was the ridicule Honor's Steaders took upon their volunteering for her Steading. And the chance they took that it could fail. What I am hoping for is a little guerdon on their part.

I don't recall any ridicule placed on the Steaders. And there is always a chance that a Steading will fail.

Building the genetics facility was Honor's mother, not Honor. Honor may have paid for it (I don't recall), but her mother designed it, staffed it, and managed it. And Honor's mother counts as a member of the Steading--she was living there for many years, remember.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by cthia   » Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:35 am

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Posts: 14951
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cthia wrote:
SWM wrote:
Not quite sure what you mean . . . maybe something like saving the planet three times? Or perhaps simply inventing a new method of building domes which revolutionizes planetary development? Or building a state-of-the-art genetics facility and solving the nine-hundred-year-old problems of still births and gender ratios?

Plenty of good has come out of Harrington Steading. Nobody has naysaid the existence of a new Steading. They have naysaid the particular Steadholder in charge of it, despite all the good that has come of it.

Saving the planet three times was the Steadholder, not the Steaders. Building the facility was the Steadholder, not the Steaders. Solving the birth rate problems was the Steadholder's mother. And I forgot that Adam was of Harrington Steading. Sorry. Anyways, what I was alluding to was the ridicule Honor's Steaders took upon their volunteering for her Steading. And the chance they took that it could fail. What I am hoping for is a little guerdon on their part.

I don't recall any ridicule placed on the Steaders. And there is always a chance that a Steading will fail.
Building the genetics facility was Honor's mother, not Honor. Honor may have paid for it (I don't recall), but her mother designed it, staffed it, and managed it. And Honor's mother counts as a member of the Steading--she was living there for many years, remember.

Yes, I think Honor paid for it. But you're right in that Allison should get most of the credit. IMHO. Honor would agree, I'm sure. No, I didn't know that Honor's mother was counted as an actual member of the Steading. I never even thought about it. Subconsciously, I think I assumed she was just an ... extended guest. Thanks for clearing that up for me. The way my brain works, that fact has the potential of being most profound in storyline.

Yes, Harrington Steaders were ridiculed for volunteering. They became pariahs and defended themselves on several occasions from picketers and rioters that got quite physical, remember? I'm almost certain of that. The Steaders themselves were not well received. Of course, it was their Steadholder in which the animosity was rooted. But you know human nature — guilty by association.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by SWM   » Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:50 am

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cthia wrote:Yes, Harrington Steaders were ridiculed for volunteering. They became pariahs and defended themselves on several occasions from picketers and rioters that got quite physical, remember? I'm almost certain of that. The Steaders themselves were not well received. Of course, it was their Steadholder in which the animosity was rooted. But you know human nature — guilty by association.

I'll have to reread the text. What I recall is that the picketers and rioters were protesting Honor, not the Steading or Steaders. The Steaders responded to defend their Steadholder, not themselves.

But you may be right that there was also some ridicule aimed at the Steaders. I'll have to reread.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by cthia   » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:36 am

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Posts: 14951
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SWM wrote:
cthia wrote:Yes, Harrington Steaders were ridiculed for volunteering. They became pariahs and defended themselves on several occasions from picketers and rioters that got quite physical, remember? I'm almost certain of that. The Steaders themselves were not well received. Of course, it was their Steadholder in which the animosity was rooted. But you know human nature — guilty by association.

I'll have to reread the text. What I recall is that the picketers and rioters were protesting Honor, not the Steading or Steaders. The Steaders responded to defend their Steadholder, not themselves.

But you may be right that there was also some ridicule aimed at the Steaders. I'll have to reread.

No no, you are right in that most of the riots and picketing was in regards to Honor in particular. The Steaders had to socially defend themselves and perhaps at least one occasion became a dustup. If I'm not mistaken, and I surely could be, part of what the protesters harped on was the unacceptable change evident in Honor's Steaders, i.e. 'cutting edge' fashions, deviant lifestyle (in their minds) and ideas prevalent amongst the Harrington Steaders. They loved and praised Honor, emulated her fashion sense, and readily exuded the changes she represented and embraced. Part was who Honor was and refused to give up. In fact, her Steaders persevered and the fashion sense initiated by their Steadholder caught fire.

****** *

I also wish for Eloise to formally erase — and apologize to Honor, on behalf of the restored Republic — those asinine charges and conviction, of murder.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense

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