Weird Harold wrote:dreamrider wrote:Well, I think the real point of the OP suggestion of CM pods was to provide another way to get them further out and extend the CM envelope. However, I think LACs in a CM role, and probably tube-launched missiles with a MIRV CM payload are both better approaches to pushing out the intercept window. Particularly if the MIRV CM "bus" could double as a "CM Apollo" to shorten the control loop.
Still, there's no need for a "CM Pod" when a standard pod can be loaded with CM Canisters. The problem is still command and control and the only real utility would be to extend a forward deployed LAC's CM magazine capacity -- fire off the pod in one or two launcher bursts instead of using internal CMs. A slow vulnerable and cumbersome solution to a problem that doesn't really exist.
Wait a moment. Doesn't each pod contain a number of cells within which the missiles is fitted exactly, each with a launcher of its own to launch its missile BEYOND the zone within which it cannot bring their impeller wedges up?
That would mean that pods CANNOT carry counter-missiles, unless each CM is encased within a shell that's the same size as a missile. What's the point in THAT?
dreamrider wrote:hanuman wrote:I don't think CM-pods would be very economical. They are so much smaller than attack birds that they can be stored in relatively large numbers inside a ship's magazines, whereas the reason for missile pods is that they're so large that a ship's magazines can contain only a limited number of them.
The need to deploy more missiles during combat than what can be stored WITHIN a ship makes it worthwhile to spend the money to build housing, power plants and launchers for all those pods.
But because counter-missiles are so small, they can be stored in high enough numbers inside a ship's magazine to make it unnecessary to make that investment in pods.
Well, I think the real point of the OP suggestion of CM pods was to provide another way to get them further out and extend the CM envelope. However, I think LACs in a CM role, and probably tube-launched missiles with a MIRV CM payload are both better approaches to pushing out the intercept window. Particularly if the MIRV CM "bus" could double as a "CM Apollo" to shorten the control loop.
And of course, the big advantage of LACs is that they can be reused, and DURING combat they can return to their CLAC to reload their magazines - not that we see many really extended battles anymore.