Zakharra wrote:The currency they use is the Solarian dollar (assuming that's what it's called and that it's what's backed by the government (more or less even if the federal government isn't printing its own money)). Why would those systems still use SL currency when there is no SL anymore? The money will be worthless (like USC money is worthless as money). It seems like people don't think the currency isn't going to get devalued in the collapse of the federal government. Why would the SL currency survive the fall of the SL itself?
99.999999999999% or so of Honorverse "money" is digital balances. Changing a balance from SL Credits to Manticoran Dollars is about as difficult as changing my digital bathroom scale from pounds to kilograms or converting Degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius on my calculator. I don't recall any textev of a Solarian equivalent of the US Federal Reserve; the Solarian Credit is a "free market currency" as far as I can tell.
The Solarian League has no more ability to "print money" than the UN does.
Zakharra wrote:It seems to be an assumption that those same worlds would welcome Manticore's ships back (and the monopoly those ships held on the economy). A smart system/polity would limit the number of Manty ships that could haul its goods so to not be held by the balls (forgive the terminology) like the SL was.
You are advocating a form of Protectionism -- generally a tactic that does more harm than good.
It is quite possible that various polities will subsidize the building of freighters and formation of freight companies. That isn't going to change the MMM advantage in Wormhole access and fees.
Systems might not "welcome" the MMM back to carry their trade, but economics will ccause them to grit their teeth and smile rather than cede market share to others without such principled stands against MMM dominance.
Zakharra wrote:It seems like the biggest danger militarily in the Core will be the Core systems themselves, and those who reject or adhere to the federal system. Those systems with fleets (the more powerful SDFs and assuming the BF joins in on either side) will have a decided advantage, and it's been stated that a good number of the Core systems don't like other Core systems.
In the short-term, the relative size and capability of SDFs will be relevant. In the realm of this thread -- "Long term consequences of the League's collapse" -- the relevant factor will be mutual defense treaties with the GA, RF, AE, or other post-collapse polity and an "Armed Peace." All of the immediate Chaos and economic upset should be over with fairly quickly if the Renaissance Factor and "Harrington Doctrine" are carried out as planned.
Zakharra wrote: I'm just saying that while some people think the damage will be more or less minimal, it's far more likely to be messy as hell all around for all in the dying SL.
In the short-term, you may well be correct. It is going to be messy and in some cases tragic, but in the long-term the damage will have pretty much disappeared.