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Technical questions re military hardware.

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Technical questions re military hardware.
Post by hanuman   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:15 pm

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Okay, I do not have all the books in e-format (not yet, anyway) and after I moved back to my hometown last year, I discovered that the libraries here do not stock Mr Weber's books. So, I'm in a bit of a conundrum here. I've got a whole lot of questions that I'm sure have been answered SOMEWHERE in the threads, but have you guys SEEN how many threads there are already?

As such, I'm going to use this thread to ask my technical questions re military hardware in the Honorverse. Hope no one minds.

First question. How many Mark 23 flatpack pods can a SD(P) carry? And related to that, how many pods can be stocked by the RMN's standard ammunition ships?

Thank you. Other questions to follow.
Re: Technical questions re military hardware.
Post by Duckk   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:21 pm

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You can get the older books here:
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Re: Technical questions re military hardware.
Post by hanuman   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:36 pm

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Duckk wrote:You can get the older books here:

Thank you, Duckk. Doesn't Mr Weber lose a lot of money that way?
Re: Technical questions re military hardware.
Post by Duckk   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:37 pm

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I'm sitting 2 chairs to the right of David right now. Trust me, both David and Baen are quite cool with it.
Shields at 50%, taunting at 100%! - Tom Pope
Re: Technical questions re military hardware.
Post by Amaroq   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:02 pm

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hanuman wrote:Okay, I do not have all the books in e-format (not yet, anyway) and after I moved back to my hometown last year, I discovered that the libraries here do not stock Mr Weber's books. So, I'm in a bit of a conundrum here. I've got a whole lot of questions that I'm sure have been answered SOMEWHERE in the threads, but have you guys SEEN how many threads there are already?

As such, I'm going to use this thread to ask my technical questions re military hardware in the Honorverse. Hope no one minds.

First question. How many Mark 23 flatpack pods can a SD(P) carry? And related to that, how many pods can be stocked by the RMN's standard ammunition ships?

Thank you. Other questions to follow.

According to House of Steel an Invictus-class SD(P) can hold 1074 missile pods before needing to reload. I don't know if those are flatpack pods though. I assume they are.

I haven't found anything on the amount of pods that Manticoran ammunition ships carry. I remember a reference in Shadow of Saganami where Terekhov ordered the ammunition ship HMS Volcano to drop off a couple hundred missile pods to reload his ships. He doesn't mention exactly how many pods nor if that was all the ammo ship could carry though.
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Re: Technical questions re military hardware.
Post by kzt   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:18 pm

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hanuman wrote:First question. How many Mark 23 flatpack pods can a SD(P) carry?

Before or after you cover the hull with multiple layers of tractored flatpacks?
Re: Technical questions re military hardware.
Post by Amaroq   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:23 pm

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kzt wrote:
hanuman wrote:First question. How many Mark 23 flatpack pods can a SD(P) carry?

Before or after you cover the hull with multiple layers of tractored flatpacks?

That was a detail I couldn't find a hard number on either. I figured the number given in the companion novel was just for the internal load-out. I imagine an SD(P) can attach quite a lot of pods to the hull to supplement its internal magazine.
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.
Re: Technical questions re military hardware.
Post by crewdude48   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:34 pm


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hanuman wrote:
Duckk wrote:You can get the older books here:

Thank you, Duckk. Doesn't Mr Weber lose a lot of money that way?

Actually, I suspect that he makes a lot of money that way. The first taste is free, but if you want the new stuff, you gotta shell out the dough. It is the same principle as drug dealers use, and I have never seen one of them go out of business. :D
I'm the know, that or His Dudeness, or Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Re: Technical questions re military hardware.
Post by hanuman   » Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:51 am

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Duckk wrote:I'm sitting 2 chairs to the right of David right now. Trust me, both David and Baen are quite cool with it.

Why, thank you. Please convey my thanks to Mr Weber.

crewdude48 wrote:Actually, I suspect that he makes a lot of money that way. The first taste is free, but if you want the new stuff, you gotta shell out the dough. It is the same principle as drug dealers use, and I have never seen one of them go out of business. :D

Hmm, makes sense. Since I discovered the shocking lack in my hometown's libraries, I've bought everything after Crown of Slaves. I was just worried about shortchanging Mr Weber - after all, writing those books is how he supports his family. Your explanation does make sense, though.
Re: Technical questions re military hardware.
Post by wastedfly   » Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:59 am


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Amaroq wrote:According to House of Steel an Invictus-class SD(P) can hold 1074 missile pods before needing to reload. I don't know if those are flatpack pods though. I assume they are.

That number is before flatpack pods.

Numbers given in HoS are for initial production of the class.

For instance Medusa value is given as 492. That is its initial value. Due to all the changes in pod design, actual pods carried in 1922 are upwards of 700. An Invictus would tabulate around 1400-1500 pods. This would also increase BCP to around 500 pods.

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