n7axw wrote:Merlin seemed to be assuming that if OBS is going to react, it will be at a specific place to supress the violation of the proscriptions to which it is reacting. So he introduces steam by conducting his test on an island so remote that if OBS reacts, no one will know the difference.
Merlin seems to have bet that the OBS won't wake up to anything short of Commercial levels of Electricity. But there's no guarantee that the OBS wouldn't then go after any violation of the proscriptions to reinforce its "innovation bad" message.
n7axw wrote:My own wager here is that OBS is not automated and requires direction, probably from the computer in the basement of the Temple. Or, there is a suspicion that Langhorne's flagship is out there somewhere. Maybe it contains control station for OBS(shrug). It will be interesting to see how it all turns out.
You're probably right. Merlin can't plan on "probably right," he has to plan on as close to a worst case basis as he can without crippling all innovation.